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#445 My Sundown

I'm not sure but I think today's comic may be the closest thing to a 'clip show' for comics. Thanks for those readers who have left comments as well as wrote me directly (Patrick and Aaron) who have told me how much they are enjoying (maybe not the right word to use) the Mark storyline and how much his struggle is likewise affecting them. I'm glad to hear that the story resonates with some people. Depressed and always looking towards the past is an affliction I know all too well. Getting it out there is just one way to overcome it. I love writing stories that come from the heart and look forward to writing many more of them. In the meantime, here's today's music to go with the montage. My Sundown - Jimmy Eat World Save

One thought on “#445 My Sundown

  1. Well, that wasn’t what I was hoping for, but rather what I expected. When you hit rock bottom you usually tend to try and dig deeper, or at least that’s my perception. Thankfully, I’ve never been in the same situation as Mark, but I know it well enough to sympathize.

    It may sound trite, but he’s in desperate need of a heart-to-heart talk…from anyone…but somehow I think it’ll be Emrys who can help.

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