11 7002

11 7002

867 Sing me Your Song

And here we have another high level Patreon, Herman Price, making his first appearance in the comic - one of two. And the appearance fits quite nicely into the new story line of Mateo and Mia. Still have a couple more people to shoehorn into the comic over the next couple of months. Thank you, Herman, for supporting the comic! Β 

11 thoughts on “867 Sing me Your Song

  1. I miss days in the studio, back when i was in that business.

    1. bohemiannightsthecomic

      Oh really? What did you do?

      1. i was a producer. it basically meant putting up money, driving musicians to the studio, and running out for more beer while the talented people did their thing. i made no money, but had lots of fun!

        i make no money from this link: https://open.spotify.com/album/7Hu44dUt3TZM6z21gaLbMg

        1. bohemiannightsthecomic

          Very cool. That sounds like an awesome job. πŸ™‚

  2. Finally, someone other than Emrys and Beth gets a storyline. It’s been so long since we had a Mateo-centered comic that I had to look up who Mia was. She had a comic during the road trip arc (which also featured Stephanie) but I COMPLETELY forgot she was an aspiring singer.

    1. bohemiannightsthecomic

      Yup. Time to revisit some of the storylines I kinda started before the road trip. Although keep in mind, the road trip was only a week or so long so story-wise, not much time has passed.

  3. i know hardly anything about the music industry, but I think it’s really cool that Mia & Mateo are getting professional recording help! Both Mateo & Mia are neat people and I think they make a good couple, so hopefully this gives them a step up for meeting their musical dreams!

  4. Well, this was also promisingly developing relationship.

  5. It’s good to see Mia again! So cute! πŸ™‚

  6. What’s an “EP”?

    1. bohemiannightsthecomic

      Extended Play. A small collection of songs, usually 2-4. More than a single, less than an album.

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