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#49 Gravitational Pulling

So here's the deal on the update change... The short answer is I just don't have time to put out three comics a week and still maintain the high standards I wish for the comic. So Starting this week, Bohemian Nights will be updated twice a week -Monday and Thursday. The Long answer is that my day job is in retail and with Christmas right around the corner, it is draining the very life out of me with its extra hours and supreme suckage. (It doesn't help that to complete these comics I usually have to stay up till One or Two in the morning only to turn around and get up five hours later, get the kids to school and go to work myself.) Believe me, I love this comic so much that if I only had the comic to do (which is my goal one day) I would be updating it five days a week.  (hint--hint-- The more people that read it, the more often I will be able to post it.) But with kids, mortgage, bills, yadda yadda yadda, that just ain''t an option right now. The good news is this is only temporary!! That's right, the two times a week schedule is only while the evil holidays last. As I see it, for the next three months. So look for Bohemian Nights to return to it's three times a week schedule sometime in the middle of January when I have more time to fuck off and devote myself to it. The other good news is, with the extra breathing space I can also complete the web store as well as get ready for two comic cons next year: Wizard Con in Portland OR at the end of January and Emerald City Comic Con in Seattle WA at the end of March. Both times I will have my own table in artist alley!! Who would have thunk? But more on this when I get closer to it. I hope the hardcore readers of Bohemian Nights hang in there during this temporary slowdown. I value each and every person who comes to the site regularly for their quick shot of bohemian humor and hope all of you continue to enjoy it as much as I do.  

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