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15 6983

839 To Feel Too Much

Wow. Thanks for a lot of great back cover blurbs! Lots to choose from but I'll only have room for four or five. It's still open to add one until Sunday. If I don't use yours this time, rest assure, I'll use it on the next book. Speaking of books, you still got a little time left to get on the ground floor of the Kickstarter. But if you don't, not to worry. Thanks to the crowdfunding, I'll have extra books on sale at my storenvy market. I'll update more on Monday.

15 thoughts on “839 To Feel Too Much

  1. Well well well, she managed to get both the chuckle and a smile out of Emrys.

  2. They are so going to do the horizontal bop. 😉

  3. Emrys is badly understating how much of this situation is his own doing!

    1. Eric (Bohemian Nights)

      Sadly, you’re right. Emrys has always liked her from afar but is awful about expressing how he feels to her. As a result he tends to either keep it all bottled inside or goes overboard with his gestures of romance. (Like getting the reservation to the restaurant before even asking Beth) Both of them have a bit of trouble clearly communicating with each other.

      1. i think it was #817, she asked him to dance and he sat around drinking instead. things could be very different right now if he’d said yes!

        1. bohemiannightsthecomic

          Yup! There it is! The point where Emrys fucked it up. If only he wasn’t so self conscious…

  4. Well, I don’t know about anyone else, but I think this gal is the real deal. Not saying it’s going to turn into a long-term relationship or anything, but I can most certainly understand what both of them are talking about, and I’ve never even been in ‘the dating scene’. I think sometimes people try too hard, sometimes they don’t try hard enough, some give up entirely, and others, like me, just canbearear the thought wf wearing all those emotional scars and sit on the sidelines quietly cursing themselves while still clinging to a tiny fragment of hope that somehow things will work out.

    Emrys, unnamed gal, you both have my sympathy and I wish you the best of luck finding someone that makes you happy.

    Ask the Lonely

    You’ve been picked and it’s over
    What’s the chip on your shoulder?
    Outside were solid rainbows
    Inside is where the heart grows
    Picking up the pieces
    Something more to believe in

    As you search the embers
    Think what you’ve had, remember
    Hang on, no don’t you let go now
    You know, with every heartbeat, we love
    Nothing comes easy
    Hang on, ask the lonely

    You’ve got some fascination
    With your high expectations
    This love is your obsession
    Your heart, your past possession
    Let down your defenses
    Won’t be up to the one who cares

    As you search the embers
    Think what you’ve had, remember
    Hang on, no don’t you let go now
    You know, with every heartbeat, we love
    Nothing comes easy

    Hang on, ask the lonely
    When you’re feeling love’s unfair
    You just ask the lonely
    When you’re lost in deep despair
    You just ask the lonely

    When you’re feeling love’s unfair
    You just ask the lonely
    When you’re lost in deep despair
    You just ask the lonely

    Ask the lonely
    When you’re down in deep despair
    When you’re down in deep despair
    Ask the lonely

    1. bohemiannightsthecomic

      A most fitting song, sir. I very much approve.

      1. It’s silly that it matters to me, but all the same, thank you for letting me know, Eric. 🙂

  5. Well, this is certainly not what I anticipated. I’m now thinking that Robert will shoot his shot with Beth, Beth will FINALLY get it into her head about what she really wants and reject him (please don’t make him be a “Nice Guy” and have him be a complete asshole after getting rejected. We’ve already got Rich and Tony), then leave juuuust in time to see Emrys sweating the sheets with this mysterious woman. And, again, I’m betting this woman is an escort and her fee will end up costing the whole gang, who are already broke from the disastrous strip club venture, more money than they could possibly afford.

    I hope by this point the entire gang shares Shannon’s “enough bullsh*t” attitude toward Emrys and Beth’s “will they or won’t they” dance and force the two of them to sit down and be honest about what they both want. Once it affects their wallets, it’s EVERYONE’S problem.

    1. Let´s hope they´ll have enough bucks for journey back. Gasoline is not for free either.

    2. Actually, Eric pretty much already confirmed that she’s not a prostitute a page or two ago, so I don’t think money is going to be an issue here, but the rest is certainly possible. Both Emrys and Beth are making decisions that put obstacles in the way of their possible romance, but with time and communication, and probably no small amount of counseling from their friends, I think they can still get together. 🙂

  6. Danger Will Robinson….DANGER!!

  7. I suspect that Eric has a particular wild card up his sleeve which might surprise all of us. Let us wait and see.

    1. bohemiannightsthecomic


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