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#368 New Year’s Eve – 1:07

Busy...busy... Just finished compiling the remastered comic book of the Protectors and sent it off to the printers. Written by myself (mostly) and drawn by my talented partner in crime, Andy MacPhee (mostly). You may recognize his work in a couple of guest posts (219, 241, 243). Look for the first issue to go on sale in September, debuting at Rose City Comic Con before being available in the Bohemian Nights Store. Working on issue two even as I type this. A_Cover Also look for the first issue of Belligerence in November. A_Cover Patreon supporters already have seen most of the pages, getting early previews that most don't see and Patreon supporters of $5 or more get both comics (signed) delivered to them for free!!!. Patreon 2 Other good news... my successful drinking game, Drinker's Hell is now on sale at a local game shop, Guardian Games, as I gear my sights for other game shops to carry it as well. mysterio Yes, it's been a busy summer so far... Save Save Save Save Save Save

6 thoughts on “#368 New Year’s Eve – 1:07

  1. Looking forward to this!

    1. bohemiannightsthecomic

      Thanks Sterling!

  2. Looks like your partner Andy is an R. Crumb fan…

    1. bohemiannightsthecomic

      Yes. Very much so.

  3. I’ve been going through your comic and I’m here to say it’s pretty good. I like the storyline a lot. I think you can improve on the background drawings. Most of the time, there’s nothing there. It helps the comic. Just look at Shotgun Shuffles backgrounds. Also it might be better if the comic updated more than twice a week.

    1. bohemiannightsthecomic

      Thanks for taking the time to read the comic, Aaron. I’m glad you like it.
      I agree. Chris Rusche’s background illustrations are amazing. (All his illustrations, actually.) I wish I had more time to devote to making better detailed backgrounds. I wish I could make Bohemian Nights three days a week (or more). Unfortunately, I still have a crappy day job. Chris and a few other web comic creators have cracked the code. They have a much larger audience who are able to support their comics through Patreon. They’re job is their comic and they get paid for it. I, unfortunately, don’t have that luxury. (not yet) But hey, if you, (or anyone else reading this) want to help out, If you want better rendered backgrounds, more frequent comics, you can make it happen. Support me. Help me get away from my retail hell job and create art for everyone and I promise I’ll make it happen.
      Sorry. I didn’t mean to go off like that. It’s very late and I’m working off four hours of sleep from the night before.
      Thank you for your comments and thank you for reading the comic. I really do appreciate it.

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