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#558 The Breaking Wave

well...this week was tough. It started with getting my car stolen and went downhill from there. Luckily it was a very old car, but still. But with only having one car to juggle work and kids and trying to figure out how to get another has eaten up all my time I would normally use to draw. So my nice two week reserve of comics has been eaten up to having next Monday's comic and that's it. Hopefully things will be slower next week and I'll be able to catch up. -Patreon stuff too. In the mean time, don't forget to vote with the Top Web Comics. Now that Project Wonderful is gone, finding new places to advertise the comic has dwindled. TWC is still a decent place to showcase the comic if it's somewhat high on the list, so your vote helps that. Have a good weekend.  

3 thoughts on “#558 The Breaking Wave

  1. Hope the upcoming week is much better for you.

  2. Hang in there, Eric! Life always has it’s ups and downs, but at the very least you and your family are safe and healthy. Cars can be replaced, but people cannot.

    Somehow, my above comment just struck me as being an appropriate response to the comic as well. Dave’s response was the most telling in my opinion, and I hope that Mark’s passing eventually has a positive impact on his life. I think Mark would want for all of his friends.

  3. bohemiannightsthecomic

    Thank you both.
    I’m not too broken up about it, actually. It was old and it was time to get a new one. Who knows. Maybe someone really needed a car for some reason. Hope it works out for them.

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