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#188 Secret Stash

Should I say that I've had these James Bond porn titles in my head for decades and only now thought of a reasonable way of using them...other than making the actual porn, that is.   In other news, I got two conventions early next year. January 23-25 is right here in Portland OR at good ol Wizard con! All of you in the northwest within driving distance, come on down! You know where to find me. Now here's the exiting news. April 3-5 I'm finally going to have my first out of state convention down in sunny California at WonderCon at the Anaheim convention center. All you readers of Bohemian, come on by and watch the monkey dance! I'll be supplying more details as they become available. It's not the huge San Diego Comicon, but it's the next best thing.  

3 thoughts on “#188 Secret Stash

  1. WonderCon in Anaheim??! Can I sign on to be your general factotum/chore boy?

  2. I’ll be seeing you there!!!

    1. bohemiannightsthecomic


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