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#604 Waiting for the Other Shoe

Hmmm... It seems I've lost track of time a little bit. It's almost February and I barely have started the Patreon comics. So... those may be a little late for next month, but I'll get em out. I also need to send out some original sketches too. Where did the time go?

7 thoughts on “#604 Waiting for the Other Shoe

  1. I am almost always shocked by the passage of time, in spite of it literally being the single most predictable thing in the universe.

  2. Hah! Devon wins the roll for this scene’s most salient real life moment. šŸ˜€

    Since I have insider knowledge as a reader seeing the whole picture, I have to agree with Beth, but I’m still hoping for signs of change in Stephanie that justify my tentative support. She’s got a long way to go to measure up to Beth though, even considering the issues that she needs to work though. I guess I’m just a sucker for a plucky little blonde. šŸ˜‰

    Where did the time go? I’m not sure, but it seems to be going faster every time you ask, so stop asking! I can’t keep up as it is! šŸ˜€

    1. bohemiannightsthecomic

      Alright… I’ll stop pointing out how fast time goes and see how fast time goes without pointing to the fact that time goes fast. šŸ˜‰
      “I guess Iā€™m just a sucker for a plucky little blonde” -Me too.

  3. Honestly? I am kinda stuck between being happy for Steph and Emrys and MUWHAHAHAHA at Beth pining and at the sames time… worried at how controlled Emrys is getting.

    ….is this how people were/are about Soap Operas?

    1. bohemiannightsthecomic

      You’ve hit it on the head. I think this comic has become the soap opera web comic.

  4. Steph is a twisted cruller. I can’t completely dislike her, because she does seem to genuinely like Emrys, and she seems capable of change. Trying to unravel her motivations seems confusing, though. She’s not going after him for staus cause he doesnt have any yet. He’s gifted – in more ways than one – but she set her sails for him long before she knew that. She has to be re-enacting some conflict from her youth, with the intent of taking Emrys as her prize.

    1. bohemiannightsthecomic

      hmmm…very interesting theory. I like it.
      Thank you for writing in šŸ™‚

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