756 And Banjo was his Name-o

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12 thoughts on “756 And Banjo was his Name-o”
Yeah sure. Take an unknown dog with gas. What can go wrong.
I would have named him “Forest.”
Nah, Banjo is the perfect unbearably adorable name for an unbearably adorable (or maybe we can just shorten that to “unbearable”?) dog.
I definitely wasn’t expecting Dave to be the one to come up with the sensible logistical plan. Maybe his brain works better when he’s hung over?
But the best part was Jeff’s dialogue in panel one. It’s a miracle I didn’t choke to death or spit water all over the screen, or both
I’ll say Jeff maybe needs a bit of hair of the dog. (So to say.)
Panel_3, word-balloon#2 has no “tail”, so we’re left to assume who is speaking. Not very difficult in **THIS** case, but still…
Based on Beth’s dating-history, I’m guessing that “Banjo” is actually a shameless huckster, who has spent years exploiting his cuteness to get free meals from legions of smitten strangers. He might even have some sort of “pact” worked-out with the local raccoons, where he trades food for winter shelter.
Hi, he is actually my dog. I named him after a Bob’s Burgers episode. They kept saying Banjo, and as I got progressively more drunk got funnier and funnier.
Brother Parvus
Bostons, poodles, and French bulldogs are some of the most strongly socialized breeds and know how to work the abilities resulting from same. The kids are too young to remember an old radio program featuring a detective named Boston Blackie, but if any had heard of it, Blackie could be the pup’s name.
Back in 1840, there were only 40% as many dog breeds as there are now-an amazing fact.
FYI his name is actually banjo!!
Sorry Eric, it’s been a busy few months and keeping up with any of my comics have been tough. I’m not going anywhere, just slow sometimes.
No worries.
I totally understand how hard life is these days. The last thing I want you (or anyone else) to feel like you have to always keep up on the comic and leave comments. Just take care of yourself. Pop in when you can.