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Bohemian Nights Timeline

A little something different today. A quick overview and timeline of the comic so far. 

Unfortunately, last week I got laid off from my job at a company I've worked at nearly twenty years -the last two of which I've had the pleasure of working in a department that was NOT in customer service. I really liked that job and the people I worked with. It had nothing to do with my performance, it was just budgetary, but I'm pretty depressed none-the-less. Now I'm back to square one looking for a new job, and at my age, that's kinda grim. 

The regular comic will be back next week with the usual twists and turns life throws at you.


7 thoughts on “Bohemian Nights Timeline

  1. Great job here Eric, it’s good to have a time line to refer to. Just that bottom right quarter is a bit confused. At least at phone.

    And you can always try to be a portrait painter at Charles Bridge in Prague XD Anyway, I believe you’ll find something soon.

  2. Very nice to read the synopsis of the story to date. I only wish that each pix was a link to that portion of the arc. I don’t remember the bad hiking date.

  3. Eric, I’m sorry to hear about you laid off. I hope you find a rewarding job soon. Thanks for the timeline. It helps me understand the plot.

  4. I remember binge reading the entirety of this strip after Mark died, but I don’t remember Emrys ever going on a hiking date. If memory serves he just got shot down a lot until he met Stephanie.

  5. sorry to be THAT bitch, especially at a bad time, but February in the left column . . . Shannon and Annabel had a date?

    1. Typical Eric´s mistake. It is proof it was really done by him XD

  6. That’s a great timeline, and yes, it is unbelievable that so much has happened in a year and a half.
    Good luck with the job search – I hope you land someplace where they appreciate you!

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