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So hey, anyone out there reading this experiencing any trouble loading the comic? Just wondering. My hosting says the comic isn't running too well and wants me to upgrade, but I haven't noticed any problems on any of the devices I use to check in on it. So, send up a flare if you gots any problems. Otherwise I'll just assume it's all hunky-dory.
On other news, I go in for some small surgery next week. Monday's comic will be up but still a little iffy about next Friday. So just a warning it may be delayed a couple of days.
Otherwise, stay warm. I'll be glad when winter is over.
14 thoughts on “#507 Keeping it Real”
Don’t fuck this up, Emrys, but you probably will because you’re just another hipster coattail rider like all the other losers that went looking for a Portland that died when the coke heads took over.
um…. okay
For what it’s worth it seems to load fine here, which given Australian internet probably means it’s fine everywhere.
Working well in BC Canada. Also kudos love your work.
The site is loading fine for me both at work and at home here in Washington State, and I haven’t noticed any stutters or even slowdowns in load times, which is actually pretty rare for comics it seems. Could have something to do with the actual file sizes of the images that get uploaded or site layout, but most likely it’s the ad servers. Anytime Facebook or other ad providers load slow it seems to effect the overall page load times, but since you don’t have ads on your site, that shouldn’t be a concern.
As for the page, if Mrs. McCrakken likes Stephanie, then it’s obvious she has expert approval on her ability to flamebroil persnickety people, which, surprisingly, strikes as me a plus. The jury is still out on her with me, but she’s gaining ground. 😉
Glad to hear the comic is loading fine. I’m pretty sure my server just informed me to get a little more money out of me. Thanks all.
loads fine for me too – although comic rocket is still not tracking it correctly!
Yeah, I don’t know what’s up with comic rocket. I have tried repeatedly to inform them about it, with no response. Oh well. I did notice it will still take you to the most recent pages even if it still says there should be only 298 episodes.
There are some help pages there with suggestion to fix. Are you with comic fury?
No. I’m not, but I’ll look into them. Thank you.
LOL, I hope u meant look at the help pages, not CF. Apparently they have had a problem recently which did interfere with CR recently
Luminous Lead
She was kind of sinister last page, but I think she just earned some fandom points by her artful fencing just there.
Mrs. McCrakken has met her match!
:)) :)) :))
Yes she has! Probably the only one that has the balls to stand up to her too.
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