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One Year Already!

     Can you believe it? It’s been one year since I sent the first comic of Bohemian Nights out into the wild blue web. It’s been a fast pace, sleep deprived yet exhilarating experience with a pretty big learning curve, but I don’t regret a moment of it. Producing Bohemian Nights week in and week out has been the second hardest thing I’ve had to do (right after parenthood) mostly because as a one man show, I’ve had to keep the gun to my head to be proactive and not fall behind. By my estimate, I have drawn roughly 500 panels of artwork since I started one year ago. (Not to mention all the promotional artwork as well as all the artwork I had to create for the Drinker’s Hell game) I’m still working hard to get my chops up. Hang in there. The artwork will get better each year. (-I hope) But what this comic has made me discover is a new found confidence in myself. – A strong drive to finally get off my butt and create for creative sake. These stories have been brewing on the back burner for years and I’m glad to finally have an opportunity to let them out. I hope those reading them will enjoy them just as much as I do. As web comics go, I’m still pretty green. One year is a nice personal accomplishment but in the face of some long running giants like Questionable Content, Girls with Slingshots, Sandra and Woo, and Shortpacked, just to name a few, it does seem like I’m just a single drop in a very big bucket. But I’m not giving up and I’m not giving in. I’ve set the groundwork on the characters this year and look forward to growing their personalities. I have a general view of where all the characters are moving towards which will span many years if I’m correct, giving way to many storylines both humorous and poignant, truthful and absurd. I can’t give too much away in the long view of things but as a loyal reader I can offer you a glimpse of some storylines I’ve got cooking for the next year: --Mrs. McKrakkin takes an unexpected trip (so to speak) --The gang sets up Emrys on a blind date --Beth and Shannon get a new apartment together --The gang plays a drunken game of D&D --And shit finally hits the fan with Beth and Tony - And that’s just to begin with! Also looking forward to hitting more conventions in the coming year!!! I’ll definitely be at the Rose City Comiccon this September the 27th and 28th and I’m working on the Portland Wizard Con next January as well as the Emerald City Comic con next March (I’m NOT going to miss it this time!). I might even be working the holy grail of comic cons –the San Diego comic con! But more of that when details are finalized. I also have a limited Introduction edition book of Bohemian Nights (showcasing the first 60 strips of the comic) in the printing process even as we speak and will be made available by the time Rose City Comic con comes around. And if that isn’t enough I’m working on plans for a much larger official compellation book (with new material added) for sometime next year. So yes, between my wonderful but hectic family life, my suck-ass day job, and this, it’s no wonder I’ve perfected the fine art of ‘sleep-drawing’. I do this because I love it. But it would be a hollow victory if it weren’t for you, the loyal reader, coming back three days a week to enjoy some free funny. Thank you all. It is just as much for you that I do this comic as it is for me. So please, feel free to write a comment down below and let me know how I’m doing (you don’t have to give your e-mail out, honest) Or be daring, write a question for Ask Mrs. McKrakkin that only her salty mouth can answer. . Before I leave, I’d like to leave you a few very inspirational words from writer, actor, and director Kevin Smith from his book “Tough Shit: Life advice from a fat, lazy slob who did good.” (Whose podcasts I’ve been listening to every night for the past year allowing me to stay awake, laugh and crank out this comic on time.) But it’s these words that have especially haunted me and have become my driving force to do this web comic and more specifically, to change my life from something I can’t stand to something I have always dreamed of doing since I was a young boy. It’s never too late to re-start your life! “Only someone who doesn’t understand art tells an artist their art somehow failed. How the fuck can art fail? Art can’t be graded, because it’s going to mean something different to everyone. You can’t apply a mathematical absolute to art because there is no one formula for self-expression.” “Remember: It costs nothing to encourage an artist, and the potential benefits are staggering. A pat on the back to an artist now could one day result in your favorite film, or the cartoon you love to get stoned watching, or the song that saves your life. Discourage an artist, you get absolutely nothing in return, ever.” “If you're alive, kick into drive. Chase whimsies. See if you can turn dreams into a way to make a living, if not an entire way of life.” “In the face of such hopelessness as our eventual, unavoidable death, there is little sense in not at least trying to accomplish all of your wildest dreams in life.”

7 thoughts on “One Year Already!

  1. HUGE congratulations, and awe at your one-year accomplishment. I’m hugely impressed. You’ve shown, and are showing, that there are truly no real excuses for not doing something creative that you want to do– there’s no “trying” to do it, “wanting” to do it– only DOING it, not being overly critical of the results, just doing it, enjoying it, and moving forward. Thanks for the comics, and for the inspiration. All the best and lots of love to you my friend!

  2. this and that . . . now and then


    Kinda like watching a second-life movie, with the same admission ticket.
    Enjoy the ride !! Visit the snack bar. ( Pick up your wrappers )

  3. Dear Mrs McKrakkin-

    How do you deal with that um not so fresh feeling?

  4. SO proud of you for all you’ve accomplished. Some of your stuff might be a bit out of my wheelhouse, yet you’ve kept me coming back, strip after strip, long past the courtesy-read zone of I’ll-read-the-first-few-cuz-I-see-you-all-the-time. And that’s saying something. =D Cheers to the life balance of sleep-drawing, great storytelling, AND always making time for Skylanders, too. Congrats!

  5. bohemiannightsthecomic

    Thank you all so very much! Thank you for the heart felt comments as well as enjoying the strip. It means more to me than I can ever convey!
    -I’m all warm and squishy inside (and not from a tapeworm this time!)

  6. I don’t have the words to express how proud I am of you for what you’ve done with this strip, and how excited I am for what you will continue to do. I always knew you had such talent in you and I’m so glad you’ve found this venue to bring it out. Your success here has given me so much hope for my own project and I would be surprised if others didn’t find this to be true for them also.
    Best of luck growing the strip and all it’s associated projects! Hope to see you in San Diego!

    1. bohemiannightsthecomic

      It’s been so fun to do, but it wouldn’t be as gratifying if readers like you weren’t there. Thank you so much.

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