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#675 A Rose by any other name…

This one just came out of left field from my head. Made me laugh, so... (And Texas, please don't send me hate mail. I really have nothing against you. I was just going for the joke.) Now on to some big news! Andy Macphee, the extremely talented artist behind our Deflectors comic books (and even a few Bohemian Nights guest strips) has a new comic out! Tales from the Tomb Special #1 from InDELLible Comics in which he not only draws one but two great tales in this tome. (and a back cover).                 He does an amazing job on both and I'm extremely proud of him getting into print from this company. (And not just because he's also one of my oldest and dearest friends.) So please visit the site and grab yourself a copy or three.    

3 thoughts on “#675 A Rose by any other name…

  1. Thanks SO much for the kind “plug!” Great comic today, as always—

  2. HA! Well, at least your call wasn’t boring, right Jeff? 😀

  3. Well, how about we call it DC for short? 😉

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