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#912 Lost for Words

As I mentioned last post, from here on out for the next month, the comics are most definitely NSFW Mature content. But everyone I've talked to has been waiting for Emrys and Beth's first time and I'm not going to disappoint. Enjoy!

Also, since last week had two comics, this week is just the one. -Then back to two next week. ...and so on, and so on.

Had a great time at Rose City Comic con. Enjoyed meeting two fans of the comic. (Thanks for coming, Joshua and Raymond!) Thanks also to my minion, James for helping out! Also to our table neighbor Matt Forsyth who is a tremendous talent. He and his wife Therese were wonderful and so very nice to hang with. Matt's comic 'Bound'* and artwork can be seen at his website HEREDo check it out. Some great stuff there.

     * Art by Matt, written by Therese and Matt.

Finally, had a cool surprise with when someone at the con who saw that I drew good looking women wanted me to do a quick sketch on a blank comic cover of a Black Cat/Wolverine mash up. It actually turned out okay for a quick sketch that I couldn't change a damn thing once the inks came down. I forget just how terrifying that can be. 

14 thoughts on “#912 Lost for Words

  1. Somehow, it’s just as I thought it will be 🙂

    1. bohemiannightsthecomic

      Glad it didn’t disappoint.

  2. I almost forgot that Beth saw Emrys naked when he was unconscious. Good call back.

    1. bohemiannightsthecomic

      I’ve been thinking of this gag ever since she took a sneak peek at Emrys’ goods way back in #432

      1. bohemiannightsthecomic

        -hahaha. Pun not intended. But I’ll take it.

  3. Glad you had a good time at the con, Eric! That is a doggone fine looking marker sketch too! When you get back to feeling yourself again I’ll have to see about a commission. 🙂 I’m hoping that Grit City ComiCon will be back next year, so maybe you’ll be up my way again, but if not I’ll see what your schedule is like and if I can go to one. I would have liked to been there for ya, but I’ve been sticking pretty close to home the past couple of years because they’ve really burned me out. Guess I’m just getting old or something. 🙂

    1. bohemiannightsthecomic

      I’d like to see if I can get up in the Seattle area for a con again next year. Either Emerald City or something smaller would be nice too. fingers crossed.

  4. P.S. Beth looks really great the past few pages, Eric. 🙂 It’s fun to see how much you’ve developed as an artist over the years of this comic, not just with the people, but with the backgrounds and lighting as well. Thanks for sticking with us! 🙂

    1. bohemiannightsthecomic

      Thank you so much. I’m liking how the people are looking these days too. I can still use more work on my backgrounds. Something to strive for.

  5. That is a proven method of interrupting potentially-awkward conversations…

    1. bohemiannightsthecomic

      Yes it is. And Beth seems to be jumping at the opportunity to change the subject.

  6. Oh, thank God!

    1. bohemiannightsthecomic

      You’re welcome.

  7. Nice Wolverine there Eric! (But I can’t help but think of her as being Stephanie.) 😉

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