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#84 Secret Book Club

Winter is almost over. And you know what that means? Bohemian Nights is going back to 3 posts a week!!! Starting next week, Bohemian nights will post Monday, Wednesday and Friday once again!  

And don't forget to pick up this little nugget o' fun!

[caption id="attachment_692" align="aligncenter" width="159"]The best drinking board game out there! The best drinking board game out there![/caption]

Buy it HERE!


3 thoughts on “#84 Secret Book Club

  1. Hee! I hate it when that happens!

  2. bohemiannightsthecomic

    When someone wants to borrow a book? Yeah I hate it when…oh…wait. Not that?

    1. Actually, there was this guy . . . borrowed all of my Kim Stanley Robinson hardcovers . . . grrr . . .

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