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#500 Five Hundred

Forever Young -The Pretenders I got to say, when I started this web comic nearly five years ago I really didn't think I'd get this far. Much less have an audience beyond my small circle of friends reading it. Thank you all for coming back twice a week to continually catch up on this cast of familiar oddities. I look forward to doing the next five hundred strips. A lot has changed over these years. Both in the improvement of artwork and the depth of the stories. It's a lot of hard work sometimes, writing, drawing, coloring, posting, promoting and more, but in the end, It's still worth it. I also felt it was time to update the banner as well. I'm quite proud of the artwork I did on each of the characters. (a small movie of the artwork progression can be found on the Bohemian Nights Facebook page, if you're interested). I think I better stop adding new characters for a while, though. I barely have time to fully dive into each of their story lines as much as I would like to. So what's in store for our cast in the near future? Over the next 50 comics I'll be focusing on the Emrys storyline and will finally answer the burning question...will he lose his virginity. I'll also be focusing on Mark as he tries to resolve some of his life long problems and comes face to face with his fate. These two storylines will take center stage over the next 50 comics. They have been dragging along for too long and need to come to a resolution I've planned for them some hundred strips ago. So if it seems like I'm neglecting the other characters (other than occasional appearances), just know they are still around. I haven't forgotten about them. I just feel the need to focus on these two storylines before they drag on any further. Believe me, it will be worth the wait! Mark told it true: everything is about to change. Now for a little reality. I am swamped at work! My health has not been the best either. And I'm falling behind on everything. I have a small medical procedure scheduled for next week as well. So with the 500th comic completed, I think this might be a good time to take a week off (Maybe a little more...we'll see). Just to recover my health and my sanity. I should have the patreon comic up by this weekend though. Then a small break. But I will be back. I'm not going anywhere. I enjoy this comic way too much to stop now. To my fans, both the silent readers and the ones that continually leave comments, thank you. You make this all worth while. Thank you to those who continually vote on the comic at TopWebComics (the button to the right). Your diligence helps this comic be seen by more new people the higher the rank it gets. Thank you to my Patreons. Your donations help keep this comic alive. I'm not kidding. I am on a shoestring budget and without your contributions, I would be hard pressed to find the means to keep this website running. I guess that's it for now. I'll be back in a week or so.

11 thoughts on “#500 Five Hundred

  1. Happy 500th episode!! Your comic– the level of drawing, writing, and the care apparent in all aspects of it– is seriously something to be proud of, and the “stick-to-it-iveness” it takes to get to 500 comics– wow. I’m proud of you my friend, and here’s to at least 500 more!

    1. bohemiannightsthecomic

      Thank you. It means a lot to me. I appreciate your feedback more than words can say.

  2. Congratulation on this milestone. You have created a living body of work, with fans and friends, new & old, that cannot be easily described. It is a tribute to your creativity, drive and inner honesty. You should be proud of what you have accomplished, because we all are proud of you. And I know your family is very proud of you.
    If there is anything I can do to help with the medical thing, please let me know.
    The gods love a laugh and a smile and a thoughtful pause, and you have given us all many of these, so I know that the gods love you. Health and happiness to you this season, and in decades to come.

    1. bohemiannightsthecomic

      Thank you for your kind words and for continuing to read and comment on the comic. I’m very grateful. I’ll keep you (and everyone) informed on my medical update as soon as I know more.

  3. Well said, Mark! Bravo!

    And congratulations on Five-Hundred, sir! You have joined the ranks of the truly dedicated and talented comickers, which is high enough praise in and of itself. You can tell those who are truly dedicated to their craft by how long they can stick with a project like this without burning out, or ending up permanently injured so that they cannot continue (I’ve read some stories about it, it’s tragic). As Jackie, creator/writer/artist of another great ‘slice of life’ comic called “Between Failures”, says, he may not be the best, but he can outlast some of those who are ‘better’ than him, and that’s worth something (his dedication is borderline obsessive; he’s even drawn comics while stuck in a hospital bed!).

    So take a bow and be proud of your accomplishments, you’ve EARNED them, and that’s something that many can’t claim. I know I’ll keep reading and commenting as long as you keep sharing. ๐Ÿ™‚

    1. bohemiannightsthecomic

      Thank you so much. yes, there is something to be said about persistence. I still remember a conversation I had with another web comic artist just before I ventured into it myself. She said one of the key ingredients that go into making a web comic work is being consistent with your posting. -Even if you once in a while put out something not quite up to your usual standards. The biggest death to a web comic is having irregular postings. -Be consistent in putting out your product.
      Iโ€™ve tried doing that. (which is why I always fret over taking off any time from the comic, however necessary it may be.)
      Iโ€™m a big fan of Between Failures too. Thank you for the comparison.
      And thank you for your insightful and heart felt comments. You truly help fill in this sometimes dead space known as a comment board and itโ€™s always appreciated. You are a true fan!

      1. You’re welcome! Commenting is pretty much the least I can do (though I do contribute via Patreon as well), and I generally have a few words to offer on each page, especially when you pack so much into each one.

        I’m a big fan of good storytelling and characterization, and you’ve managed to craft characters and situations that I can relate to, even without having had the same experiences as them, which is one of the primary signs of a good writer. Being able to evoke an emotional response to a character (good or bad) is not as easy as some people might think, and while it can be something that a writer develops over time, if it isn’t there to begin with it’s not likely it will ever be a writer’s strong suit.

        Conversely, art can definitely improve with practice and proper guidance, though it may come more easily to some than others. Having previously studied art in an academic environment, I can say that it takes time, training and dedication to develop the requisite skill set needed to produce the quality of work that goes into this comic. Not everyone can do what you do. ๐Ÿ™‚

        1. bohemiannightsthecomic

          Wow. Wonderful praise indeed. I’m humbled by your response. I think the comic has been overall easy to write because the characters are so entrenched in me. Only half of what I know about them ever seems to make it on the finished page. It’s so much fun when the characters surprise me and say or do something I didn’t expect them to do. One of the true great joys of writing.
          Thank you again. (and thanks for being a Patreon!)

  4. I kinda get the feeling Mark’s panel could be a standalone, called “Mission Statement”.

    Congrats on the big 500! Five years is an amazing achievement, but I hope it’s just the start.

    1. bohemiannightsthecomic

      Yes, it did turn out to be a bit of a mission statement for the comic itself, didn’t it?
      Thank you for the kind words, for reading and enjoying the comic and for being my number one international fan ‘down under’.

  5. bohemiannightsthecomic

    And thanks to all my readers who keep coming back to engage in this romp down memory lane. I enjoy doing the comic almost all the time (and the times I don’t usually have nothing to do with the comic itself.) I look forward to continuing for many more years to come.

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