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#519 Cel-e-brate Tonight, C’mon!

Thanks for all the input, everyone. I'm still deciding just how far to take the comic when it comes to adult material. -I still have a few more comics to go before I'll need to make a decision as we dip briefly to the rest of the gang for a short interlude.

7 thoughts on “#519 Cel-e-brate Tonight, C’mon!

  1. Very nice closeup of Beth’s eyes on this page! She’s about to do something foolish, isn’t she? 🙁

    Hopefully Shannon will intervene, but I don’t know if she has the moral fortitude to help keep her friend out of a situation she’ll most likely regret. Then again, I’m not sure if Shannon herself is back on an even keel yet after Mark’s departure. Poor gal. 🙁

    Strip Title: Kool & The Gang? 🙂

    1. bohemiannightsthecomic

      Ah, everyone does foolish things every now and again. Especially when drinking. Beth just tends to do them in a bigger way 😉
      (And give yourself a no-prize for the musical strip title)

  2. I’m good with you taking the adult element as far as you like… So far it is pretty PG really, these days.

  3. I have no problem seeing more adult graphics from time to time as long as the story doesn’t suffer. You did a good job with Annabel and Devon. Speaking of which, I hope we get to see them in a story-line of their own again soon.

  4. bohemiannightsthecomic

    Looks like that’s two more votes for more adult material.
    -And Sandra, I have a Annabel/Devon storyline in the wings ready to go. Just got to focus on the Emrys/Stephanie story first, then finish some loose ends with the Mark storyline. I’ll get them in there soon. Ah…too many plots…not enough time.

  5. Oh boy, is that Dog-girl at the bar, or does she have eyes on Soul-Patch-Man?

    1. bohemiannightsthecomic

      Good call!

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