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#232 Getting Toasted

I'm back. I wish I could say I had gone to some tropical island for the past few weeks, but the reality is that my dad had a stroke on the 2nd and passed away on the 4th. He always believed in me and in whatever creative endeavor I pursued. He was so excited when I started this comic up and had consistently read it at every post as part of his morning routine, often leaving a comment under the name "Here and there....now and then..." It was a way for us to keep in touch while separated by about a thousand miles.  He was one of my biggest fans, not just in the comic, but in whatever artwork I was doing.  I was going to see him in three weeks when I fly down to Wondercon in Anaheim CA. He already bought his ticket and was looking forward to seeing me at my booth for the first time. His absence here will be felt for years to come. ...These comics are for you, dad.     Bohemian Patreon Banner

8 thoughts on “#232 Getting Toasted

  1. I recall seeing the comments under that name, but of course never knew it was your dad. What a great thing.
    You, of course, know how I feel about you, your dad, and your whole family– my love and thoughts are with you.

    1. bohemiannightsthecomic

      Thank you for being there, Andy. Very much.

  2. Ah, now I know what (who) Enrys saw in the ‘Vette.

    So sorry to hear of your loss, Eric…

    1. bohemiannightsthecomic

      Ah… You may have guessed who Emrys saw, but there are still some twists and turns in the story. Stay tuned.
      Thanks again for your kind words. Having readers like you makes this all worth it.

  3. Words fall far short at these times, when we would take away the pain of our friends. So good to have a father that cared. Be well my friend. I’ll see you at Anaheim.

    1. bohemiannightsthecomic

      Thank you, old friend. I look forward to seeing you soon too.

  4. I’m crap at saying anything sympathetic or supportive, but the thoughts are there!

    1. bohemiannightsthecomic

      Thank you, Grace. That was just right.

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