12 11305

12 11305

#974 Leave or Stay

12 thoughts on “#974 Leave or Stay

  1. “Troubles in Paradise.”

    1. Bohemiannightsthecomic

      Of course. It would be a dull comic if there wasn’t. 😉

  2. There’s probably never an easy answer to this question, but I don’t necessarily think that there’s anything wrong with Devon taking her time to consider moving in with Annabel. Everyone internalizes relationships differently and on their own timeline, whether they like it or not. If they both just understand this is an adjustment that takes time, especially with Devon’s emotional and psychological issues from her controlling parents to resolve, things will smooth out eventually. Healing takes time, so if it’s important to you, learn to be patient, both with yourself and whomever you are supporting or being supported by. 🙂

    1. Bohemiannightsthecomic

      Well said. I like showing the different dynamics and stages of a relationship. This stage can be a bumpy one.

  3. what does a lesbian bring on a 2nd date?

    1. Bohemiannightsthecomic


    2. My lesbian neighbours asked me what I want for birthday and they gave me Rolex. I think they misunderstood when I said I wanna watch. 😀

  4. Going from paying a third of rent to half-rent is a big commitment 😉

    1. Bohemiannightsthecomic

      That’s true. There’s also that to consider.
      (But then again, maybe Annabel’s small apartment is over all less rent than the three bedroom home?)

      1. Maybe, but apartment buildings are usually closer to ‘downtown’ and prices go up based on that, around here it’s cheaper to rent a house outside of town than an apartment inside it, a lot cheaper.

  5. I get the practical reason for Devon being reluctant to move in with Annabell. I had a roommate in college who was barely in the dorm because he mainly lived with his girlfriend, but whenever they got in a fight she’d throw him out and he’d have to go back living with me until he and his girl made up. Devon’s life has become a lot more stressful with the one-two punch of her parents finding out she’s queer and trying to “fix” her and her gay co-worker coming onto her. Annabelle is a good, supportive girlfriend, but the stress Devon is under has probably caused her to reconsider everything about her life and I think deep down she doesn’t want to move in, get in a fight with Annabelle which causes their breakup, and Devon has to find a new place. The odds of that happening are low, but they ARE there.

  6. Some people like to live in their very own place without anyone else living there. They have a strong desire for independence. It doesn’t mean that they’re narcissists. I’m sure Devon isn’t.

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