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#211 Crazy Trade

Thus the game comes to a dramatic ending. But let me know --Should the gang dive every once in a while back into the debauchery pit of Role-playing or should this type of story line be swept under the rug? Feel free to chime in and let me know. To me, it doesn't feel like a perfect fit in this comic but maybe once in a while. As for good ol Wizard Con in two weeks... Holy Shit-balls! Saturday tickets are sold out for the public! As with 3 day passes. You still have time to get tickets for either Friday or Sunday, but hurry quick! This show is bound to be busy!!! Come See Me - Portland - 250x250

3 thoughts on “#211 Crazy Trade

  1. For me, it was good for a 3-day story arc– maybe not more than that. A role-playing game seems like something these guys would do for a night, with drinking involved, but I’m guessing for most of “our heroes” it would devolve rather quickly into silliness, drunkenness, and loss of interest, lol. Almost seems like a good occasional sub plot/side story, maybe involving Emrys and one or two of the other interested parties. Good drawings, fun gags, enjoyable– but anxious to get back to regular goings’ on with these guys.

  2. I liked it!!!! But I spent many long weekends at Fort Gordo gaming through the night. Can I interest you in a 11th level druid with a pet bear? I have a half nyad girlfriend!

  3. Once in a while would be good, maybe with rotating GMs! Just Jeff all the time would get old!

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