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816 All She Wants to do is Dance

Moving on to the dancing portion of the evening... Also, look for a big announcement right here next Monday....

16 thoughts on “816 All She Wants to do is Dance

  1. Partay time, bitches 😀

    1. bohemiannightsthecomic

      Hells Yeah! 😀

  2. First Bubble in the last panel. Probably should be Her not Here

    I hope one more drink doesn’t turn in 4 more

    1. One more to loosen up, then dance it off, and see how things progress. Even if you’re frantic, take your time and do it right.

    2. bohemiannightsthecomic

      -I hope it doesn’t either…for Emrys’ sake.

  3. Emrys might be having second thoughts about Beth which are making him nervous and self-conscious. Alcohol can help but only temporarily- he still has decisions to make,

    1. bohemiannightsthecomic

      He does seem to be reverting to his old timid self a little.

  4. Bad idea, Emrys. If you drink too much you probably won’t remember ANYTHING that happens tonight, especially if Beth actually admits her true feelings!

    1. bohemiannightsthecomic

      Very true.There’s a lot of side stepping going on between them.

  5. A Reader from Germany

    Hate to be “that guy” – but shouldn’t this be #817?


    1. bohemiannightsthecomic

      No. Thank you! 🙂 the numbering on my script is wrong cos I was not going to use that comic a few posts ago and it screwed up my numbering. Fixing it now.

  6. “Aww crap.” – Hellboy

    Emrys, just jump in this time. If things go badly, blame it on Vegas, everyone else does, but if it goes well then you know you made the right move. Also, intoxication doesn’t have to be from drugs or alcohol, it’s usually much more satisfying riding an emotional high…as well as cheaper! 🙂

    Also, go Don Henley, go! 😉

    1. bohemiannightsthecomic

      Yeah, but this crew is absolutely the drug/alcohol crew. -and Emrys is a part of it all now. I’m sure he also running on a lot of endorphins too.

  7. Wait a minute…what big announcement? You’re becoming a full-time cartoonist? Your comic has been optioned for a web/television series? Beth is going to visit me?

    Whaaat? A guy can dream, can’t he? 😉

    1. bohemiannightsthecomic

      We can ALL dream that dream. 🙂

  8. A quest for Dutch courage usually leaves you barffing in the bilge. ARRR matey!

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