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#611 Into the Pit

Even after a bit of an on again/off again cold this week I've managed to still catch up on the Patreon comics. The Midnight Edition should be out even as you read these words and the latest Greenman page should be up by Monday. Which puts me on track for the next ones once more at the beginning of the month. Thanks also for all the recent speculation on some of the characters. As you well know, I can't really comment on the story much without giving away spoilers so the comic will have to speak for itself.  Just remember- good stories need good antagonists.

4 thoughts on “#611 Into the Pit

  1. Yeah, I don’t think Emrys is going to last long at this job. He’s too much of a people person to like sitting in a cubicle all day cold calling and trying to sell random merchandise or services. My opinion of Stephanie has taken a hit for recommending he take this job.

    Hope you feel better soon and have a good weekend! 🙂

  2. bohemiannightsthecomic

    Thank you. Feeling a bit better at the moment.
    -Now the rest of the family is sick…

    1. Sharing is caring is what they say, right? 😉

  3. I think the key to successful sales work is a very outgoing and implacable personality. If anyone doesn’t have both, it’s just going to be a lot of stress, with very little to show for it. (Yes, I did try telephone sales myself once, and it just wasn’t for me.) As for Emrys, I feel I will just have to wait and see how he does.

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