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#515 Meeting Goals

I'm heading over to Vancouver WA tomorrow to attend the I Like Comics Con. So what sounds like a good idea just before the event? Why, dislocate a finger of course. That's just what happened too while slipping on my son's bunk bed ladder. It was only my pinky finger but unfortunately it is on my drawing hand. Should be fun moving things around and setting up. Good thing I got a minion or two to help me out. If you're in the area, come on by. I'll be in artist alley, table 73. Lots of other good guests too. Click on the link below to check it out. I'd love to see you.  

11 thoughts on “#515 Meeting Goals

  1. Is it wrong for me to feel that she had her chance? I’m not the biggest fan of this new girl for “stealing” him from his friends but I’m happy for him having someone supporting his growth. He just needs to keep his dreams.

    1. I think you’re perhaps not wrong with Beth- clearly she felt she had more time, and was a little blindsided.

      That said, I suspect the placement of Stephanie’s last word balloon is not accidental.

      1. bohemiannightsthecomic

        man, I wish that was intentional. You’re right. That works so perfectly there. I guess it’s one of those happy accidents.

      2. She had him parked in the friend zone, called him little brother. She made it clear she didn’t see him “that way.” NOW she’s interested? She’s jealous.

        1. bohemiannightsthecomic

          Yup. You got that right.

    2. bohemiannightsthecomic

      Not wrong at all. Sometimes if you wait too long, the opportunity slips away.

  2. I dunno, I’m pretty much in Beth’s support corner eternally, I think. Would it have been wise of her to pursue a relationship with Emrys while still suffering from her volatile break-up, especially when his hopes for one with her were so lofty? Don’t get me wrong, I am personally in Emrys’ support corner too, but sadly I think they both need a little time to develop and get to know each other before a lasting romantic relationship would work. It’s tough for me to say that too, considering how, in several ways, I closely identify with Emrys, but I think if he has at least one romantic relationship to compare to in the future, if he and Beth ever do get together, he’ll have a greater appreciation for it and so will she.

    All that being said, this public display of manipulation by Stephanie does not endear me to her. I’m sure she’s doing it to “lay her claim” on Emrys (no pun intended), which means her aim is primarily to twist the knife in Beth instead of tease Emrys, because she knows it won’t take much physicality to enthrall him, and right now that’s her only real hold on him.

    My long term prediction: Emrys will continue along this path for awhile until ultimately he realizes that it isn’t satisfying and becomes inured to Stephanie’s charms, at which point he dumps her because he realizes his self worth. After that, well, I’m hoping for a happy storybook ending for him and Beth. 😉

  3. So, since everyone seems to be chiming in on the Beth/Stephanie/Emrys triangle I’ll throw in my two cents. I think Stephanie does come off a bit possessive and maybe even insecure, which is odd considering how she looks, But we don’t know enough about her yet to make a judgement call. She does, however, seem to be good for Emrys at this point in his life.
    I did wish Beth would have opened her eyes to Emrys sooner, but I get how she would put him in the ‘friend-zone’ until it was too late. She seems to have some hang-ups of her own. I do hope you will give us more background on both Beth and Stephanie at some point. Something similar to how Emrys told his backstory a year ago.
    I guess it’s a testament to your wonderful writing skills that I’m able to see both sides to their complex personalities. I’m not sure how it will all turn out, but I’m enjoying the ride.
    Both Beth and Stephanie are very cute and your drawings of them are well done. If Emrys is on line to lose his virginity, which it looks like is where the story is heading, will you be going into any detail to this momentous night or will it be left to the imagination? Either way, I’m enjoying the comic and will continue to read it as long as you put it out.

  4. bohemiannightsthecomic

    Great pondering on both your parts. I can neither confirm nor deny any of the musings listed above. It’s getting too easy to let the cat out of the bag as to where the stories are going when reading these wonderful letters (but I still enjoy them immensely) So I’ll just say thank you both and hope the story unravels to your satisfaction.

    1. Pretty sure it’ll be to my enjoyment regardless of the outcome, whether or not it’s what I predict. After all, I’m reading your story, not writing my own. 😉

  5. Sometimes something comes along that you just can’t pass on, or else face the certainty of slapping yourself upside the head later on.

    Maybe it’s just his destiny.

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