8 17622

8 17622

#975 Catching Up

yup. The story is jumping all over the place. Trying to pull all the threads together before #1000 and the end of the chapter.


8 thoughts on “#975 Catching Up

  1. Well. This should be interesting.

  2. Even simple date can be difficult. Not to mention double date.

  3. “May you go on an interesting date.”is an ancient curse. 😉

  4. Not sure what to say here other than it’s nice to see these two having a normal conversation for friends. 🙂

    Have a good week, folks!

  5. Great artwork and story line, as usual.

  6. Today, 26th October is name day of Erik in Czech Republic. So Congratulation to our beloved Author 🙂

  7. Today, 28th October is 105th Anniversary of Declaration of independent Czechoslovakia 🙂

  8. Shannon and Beth just had a very productive conversation. Good on them! 🙂

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