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And that's the last of these characters for this chapter.
Just a few more pages to go. Actually, with all the speculation going on, I'm a little nervous as to how everyone will respond to the ending. I think most will either love it or hate it. We'll see...
And once more, for those who may have missed it, I'll be at Rose City Comic Con this weekend in Artist Alley! Come find me and say hello if you're in the neighborhood.
27 thoughts on “845 Adjusting the Cosmic Scales”
Ghost of Mark is back!
Strangely enough, I have a prediction that Stephanie will be back in Emrys’ life. Beth’s jealousy will rear its ugly head and Shannon will stop her from doing something stupid.
Corey C.
I have no doubt that Stephanie will be back… once the gang gets back to Portland. Whether or not she’s actually changed after her epiphany and how it will affect Beth will all depend on if Beth and Emrys actually go through with their respective Vegas one-night stands.
Eric, whatever Is about to happen, at least I am gonna like it. And I am positive that others gonna like it too. I guess se are curious how this all end. And what will go in Portland.
Seems to me that Dave won some gallons of gas for journey home π
I second that statement, Gorbi!
Eric has a knack for telling a good story, otherwise I wouldn’t be a dedicated reader. What’s amazing to me is that I had such a different life from the characters in this story, but I still feel like these are people I’ve met, knew to some degree or another, or would like to know (Jeff!). It makes me think back and wish I was a different person in my 20’s sometimes, but as one should always do, I try to remind myself that hindsight is 20/20 and living for today, every day, is what is important. Not saying planning for your future isn’t important, because it is, but you get to there one day at a time. π
The past is history, the future is yet to be, but the present is always here and that’s where to focus if you want a better life, because the choices you make today impact your tomorrow. π
And that’s what this comic is all about. π
What I like the most about this comic is I am a merge of Emrys and Jeff. Both physically and character wise. I have EmrysΒ΄ introvercy and JeffΒ΄s social idiocy combined with peculiarity. And I have face of Emrys with body of Jeff π
Also, as I wrote way earlier, I love the name of comic. Because I come from Bohemia, historical land of Czech Republic. So I am Bohemian too. π And yes, I know that Bohemian mean gypsies or generally “socialy unstandard” people.
I hope Dave wonβt find a way to lose that money. π I suspect he will try to save some for his next Vegas visit.
Corey C.
Predictions- Beth will sleep with Robert, Emrys will not sleep with the mysterious girl. The gang will go home and Robert will follow Beth to Portland to try to work things out. Stephanie will come back and try to get Emrys back. Whether or not she succeeds is anyone’s guess. But the story will veer away from Emrys and Beth and we’ll see how Dave uses the winnings, and I have a feeling the drug dealer from the Rich arc will be involved…
Eric, I’m extra glad you decided to keep titling the pages for now, because without that extra nudge this time around I would have missed the connection to a certain other comics character in a green hood who comes back from the dead to restore justice to the world π
Was it Mark? ….;)
Or maybe it was the Green Man? I don’t believe that, because we’ve only seen him in Portland and he doesn’t wear a hoodie, but when you’re dealing with the supernatural anything goes. π
No, actually, I was thinking of someone else:
Hope you have a great con this weekend, Eric!
Some suggestions: 1) Jeff and Joanna find an extremely rare toad and sell her to a zoo for mad money 2) Emrys and Ms. Anonymous fall in love and move to Greenland, 3) Beth and Bob realize theyβre both gay. π
Hahahaha! I love it. It’s like the Bohemian Nights “What if?” universe.
2) I hope Emrys love freeze, strong winds and endless darkness then π
if some will love it and some will hate it, than your story is a big success, cause I think that is how a lot of stories should end
Emrys is going to have the night of his life. Epic, explosive sex, then go their separate ways with wistful smiles on their faces. Beth will regret whatever happens, turn to Emrys for consolation and he’ll be cold and disinterested. The girls will blast her when she gets mad at Emrys.
I’ve already made my guesses in previous comments, so all I’m going to say is I am eagerly awaiting the outcome of this storyline, whatever it may be, because I know that Eric will have more for me to enjoy even after it concludes. π
I am still in the Beth & Emrys getting together corner, I just think it’s going to take a little longer than I’d like (watch out for IGS! -Instant Gratification Syndrome) and be a learning experience for them both. I know they’re adults and all that, but “growing up” is a lifelong process (hopefully) and how we approach it makes all the difference. π
I’ll also be at Rose City on Saturday. looking forward to meeting you.
That’s great news! I can’t wait to meet you!
Take the money and run like you stole it!
β¦but donβt go to a strip club. π
Love the comic, excellent read, some very interesting interpersonal issues, especially from an old farts like mine point of view. I send a couple of my kids here from time to time to see and page or three they might get some insight from. Keep it going.
A side question though, I havent been here for a bit, I am intrigued by the side art under the TWC banner, what is that?
A good pagan friend of mine has found himself in desperate need of a heart transplant and asked me to post that sigil to help aid him. His name is Sterling Knight and he has a gofundme page as well for anyone who wishes to help.
Nicholas Walls
OOOF. Man, coming back here. You still play the heartstrings so damn well.
That last bit. Dunno, felt that really hard today. Miss some of my friends. Not who they are, but the ghost of who they were.
And again, there but for the grace of the gods go I.
Thanks for the great comics!
Thanks, man. I totally get being haunted by the ghosts of friends pass.
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1043 Menage a 3
27 4636 Mar 17, 2025
1042 Girl from the North Country
43 5531 Mar 10, 2025
1041 Freebird
38 6114 Mar 02, 2025
1040 Goodnight Moon
42 7058 Feb 24, 2025
Bohemian Nights Timeline
42 6372 Feb 17, 2025
1039 Welcome to the Room
35 6743 Feb 10, 2025
1038 On My Way
37 6754 Feb 03, 2025
1037 Where were you?
37 7465 Jan 27, 2025
1036 Ashes
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