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#2026 Walk a Thin Line

8 thoughts on “#2026 Walk a Thin Line

  1. What in actual fuck happend to my face at panel 1? XD

    And it actually went here better than expected. I am glad Emrys can stand his ground and not being doormat. We´ll see if Beth make more fuss about this all.

    btw https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R8zzddclaOQ 1) It´s not how does it looks like. It´s even way better. XD (If you´d like, I´ll translate the rest)

  2. I think it interesting that Stephanie called Beth “Romeo” yet Beth didn’t immediately become enraged. Have things changed or isn’t it a surefire way to anger anonymously calling the a name of the opposite gender? BTW, the best-known fictional Romeo didn’t have a happy romance to put it mildly.

  3. Sorry, I didn’t mean “anonymously” I meant “anyone.”

    1. She was actually calling Emrys “Romeo” after he stuttering along, surprised by Beth’s appearance, kind of referring to him and Beth.

  4. @BN, thanks for the clarification. If Emrys is Romeo, then Beth must be Juliet. Could it be that Stephanie wants an unhappy ending for both of them? I’ll keep reading to find out.

  5. I think Beth isn’t being unfair to have her suspicions about Stephanie’s motivations, but I’m hoping they are unfounded and that Emrys’ judgement is sound. In his shoes, I’d probably be willing to give her the benefit of the doubt as well, but only time will tell if Stephanie has actually turned over a new leaf or if she’s scheming again. Either way, I think Emrys handled the situation well and I’m pleased that Beth did not fly off the handle. Both are learning…and maybe Stephanie is as well. 🙂

  6. Beth isn’t wrong for being suspicious of Stephanie’s intentions, but Steph’s last scheme blew up in her face and physically hurt her. She did apologize to everyone for how she acted and I do believe she wants to be better. Mrs. McKrakken likes her, and as gruff as she is, she seems to be an excellent judge of character, so I’ll take her word and be optimistic that Stephanie is starting her redemption arc. I think she will need some help from others, as it would be REALLY easy to sink back into habit if she clashes with Beth again and decides “You call me a monster so I might as well be one!” I think Steph is in dire need of a female friend, preferrably someone who went through her own redemption arc. (Shannon. Steph needs Shannon)

  7. @Corey C, it may be difficult for Stephanie to make friends with Shannon because some women don’t like to hang out with other women.

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