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15 5422

Bohemian Nights Timeline

A little something different today. A quick overview and timeline of the comic so far. 

Unfortunately, last week I got laid off from my job at a company I've worked at nearly twenty years -the last two of which I've had the pleasure of working in a department that was NOT in customer service. I really liked that job and the people I worked with. It had nothing to do with my performance, it was just budgetary, but I'm pretty depressed none-the-less. Now I'm back to square one looking for a new job, and at my age, that's kinda grim. 

The regular comic will be back next week with the usual twists and turns life throws at you.


15 thoughts on “Bohemian Nights Timeline

  1. Great job here Eric, it’s good to have a time line to refer to. Just that bottom right quarter is a bit confused. At least at phone.

    And you can always try to be a portrait painter at Charles Bridge in Prague XD Anyway, I believe you’ll find something soon.

    1. bohemiannightsthecomic

      Thank you! I hope I find something soon too.
      (who knows…moving out of the country is looking better and better…LOL)

  2. Very nice to read the synopsis of the story to date. I only wish that each pix was a link to that portion of the arc. I don’t remember the bad hiking date.

  3. Eric, I’m sorry to hear about you laid off. I hope you find a rewarding job soon. Thanks for the timeline. It helps me understand the plot.

    1. bohemiannightsthecomic

      It was short. Just three episodes (407-409)

  4. I remember binge reading the entirety of this strip after Mark died, but I don’t remember Emrys ever going on a hiking date. If memory serves he just got shot down a lot until he met Stephanie.

  5. sorry to be THAT bitch, especially at a bad time, but February in the left column . . . Shannon and Annabel had a date?

    1. Typical Eric´s mistake. It is proof it was really done by him XD

    2. bohemiannightsthecomic

      It was a quick date (#407-409).

    3. bohemiannightsthecomic

      Hahaha. You are so right. I remember my mind was getting foggy trying to fit all that text. Fixing it now…

  6. That’s a great timeline, and yes, it is unbelievable that so much has happened in a year and a half.
    Good luck with the job search – I hope you land someplace where they appreciate you!

    1. bohemiannightsthecomic

      Thank you! Fingers crossed!

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  8. What a strange road it’s been.

  9. Good luck with the job search, Eric! I know things look bad right now, but I have faith that you’ll find something better. 🙂

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