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Number 900 is just around the corner and I was thinking I’d have another “Ask a Character” post.

For those who don’t remember, a while ago I did a post (turned out to be three posts) where readers would write in asking a character a question about themselves. Then I would have the character answer back as themselves. Well, for the 900th post, I’d like to try it again. So feel free to write in to your favorite character just about anything you’ve ever wanted to know about them and they will give you their own answers. (as best as they can, anyway.) It’s just a few short weeks away. You could also check out those older questions  here….




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#896 Casual Dinner Talk

Number 900 is just around the corner and I was thinking I'd have another "Ask a Character" post.

For those who don't remember, a while ago I did a post (turned out to be three posts) where readers would write in asking a character a question about themselves. Then I would have the character answer back as themselves. Well, for the 900th post, I'd like to try it again. So feel free to write in to your favorite character just about anything you've ever wanted to know about them and they will give you their own answers. (as best as they can, anyway.) It's just a few short weeks away. You could also check out those older questions  here....




6 thoughts on “#896 Casual Dinner Talk

  1. If I paraphrase King Arthur: “This evening’s Dynamite!” 😀

  2. I get much the same comments from my sister, though she tries to act non-judgemental. I wish she would actually talk to me about it so she didn’t sound so uninformed, but she’s not really able to admit she doesn’t know something. Gods only know what my brother would have to say if we ever spoke.
    But Congrats! 900 episodes is a huge accomplishment! And it just keeps getting better and more sophisticated, more real. Hope you’re feeling better.

  3. There are very few members at the far edges of my extended family who are so clue-resistant, and the less I interact with them, the better for my mental (and even physical) health. Many, if not most, are American Baptists in San Diego and environs. There is one, though, in Sacramento County, the brother of a very dear and long-time friend, for whom I care as if he were my brother, and I will not abandon him.

    Aside: additional bestwitches from a vaccinated and boosted survivor of mostly asymptomatic Omicron BA.2 in San Francisco.

  4. Get well soon from a (vaccinated) fan in Mexicali, Mexico. A lot of us enjoy your stories and we find them awesome. Muchos abrazos.

  5. They should only talk about sports or the weather. Any other subject would lead to arguments.

  6. As Central European, I love how Devon’s parents scream “American Culture Ignorance” 🙂

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