6 12402

6 12402

1031 Longshot

6 thoughts on “1031 Longshot

  1. So, let´s call Mateo, I guess.

    Eric, I love your work with light at this page. It´s really great.

  2. I don’t think Mateo would be the right person to summon. We just said our goodbyes to him and it seems way too early to bring him back (though it would be nice to see what he’s doing on his end.) Plus the last time Dave and Mateo were together it ended in a fist fight and Mateo explicitly said that he can’t help Dave if Dave doesn’t want it, and as we saw last strip, Dave is still in denial that he has a problem.

    However, I really don’t know anyone else besides Mateo that Dave is close to that could possibly help him or relate to his current situation.

  3. “It’s a million-to-one chance, but it just might work!”

  4. Is Emrys thinking of Skye, the new age woman in Florence?

  5. I’m glad that Emrys has an idea, because I certainly don’t. Hoping the best for Dave, he’s too young to give up. 🙁

  6. I don’t suppose Dave’s friend Sean will reappear. So I’m thinking, like Becker, Skye may show up.

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