It’s not inherently a bad thing to want your partner to do well, and make the most of their potential. And if it really does allow him to move into the art department as a career, that’s probably a good thing for him.
However, the fact that she doesn’t seem to care about his happiness nearly as much as she cares about his income potential, yeah, that’s not so good.
True. Helping someone out and searing them in a better direction usually is a good thing, but having it done so early in their relationship does seem a bit odd.
My point to this was that she stated just a few comics ago that she wanted to “take it slow” when he was a lowly clerk. Now that he’s doubling his salary, she’s ready to speed things up? Maybe I am quick to judge, but it doesn’t look good on her.
Thank you all for commenting. I think I should refrain from too many responses on Emrys and Stephanie else I give away too many spoilers -which would be easy for me to do. 😉
12 thoughts on “#511 Members have Privileges”
Hmm…this should prove to be interesting, and by that I mean Emrys’ new job, because I’m curious how he’s going to handle it.
Well, okay, I’m curious about the OTHER thing as well, but not as much as he is, obviously. 😀
Penguin Prince
Gold Digger?
It’s not inherently a bad thing to want your partner to do well, and make the most of their potential. And if it really does allow him to move into the art department as a career, that’s probably a good thing for him.
However, the fact that she doesn’t seem to care about his happiness nearly as much as she cares about his income potential, yeah, that’s not so good.
True. Helping someone out and searing them in a better direction usually is a good thing, but having it done so early in their relationship does seem a bit odd.
Penguin Prince
My point to this was that she stated just a few comics ago that she wanted to “take it slow” when he was a lowly clerk. Now that he’s doubling his salary, she’s ready to speed things up? Maybe I am quick to judge, but it doesn’t look good on her.
This is very true.
She’s a very friendly girl!
Thank you all for commenting. I think I should refrain from too many responses on Emrys and Stephanie else I give away too many spoilers -which would be easy for me to do. 😉
Luminous Lead
Ooof. He might stand to build some backbone but until then it looks like she’ll eat him alive.
If he’s lucky (ba-da-DUM!)
Sales work can be hard, it takes a lot of persistence and patience. I hope Emrys has what it takes.
I kind of have my doubts too. Emrys’ heart is in the right place, but we’ll see if he can stomach the job.
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