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807 Plans

For those of you wondering about the fate of Emrys and Beth, all I can say is it's coming. I just want to add a bit of fun for all of them first. Midnight Edition for Patreons will be up this week.  

11 thoughts on “807 Plans

  1. Yeah, the only bad Mexican food is fast food Mexican food! 😉

  2. I’m glad Emrys’ mom finally understood that hee needs to live his own life.

    As a Vegas local, I’m always interested in seeing how non-locals see this town.

    If “Hell’s Yeah!” was meant to be the to be the plural of ‘Hell’, you need to get rid od the apostrophe.

    They are NOT for indicating the plural of a noun.

    Apostrophes are possessive, which would mean the ‘Yeah’ belongs to, or is from Hell.


  3. I see Mateo already got his clothes shopping done 🙂

    1. bohemiannightsthecomic

      Mateo is always prepared for any occasion.

  4. Man, that pattern on Mateo’s shirt must have been a b*tch to draw twice…

    I’m kind of fearing that the resolution to Emrys and Beth might have alcohol involved. God I hope it doesn’t involve a drunk hookup and an awkward ride home. If Beth is to finally confess her feelings, at least have Emrys be sober enough to REMEMBER it! And if Emrys is sober and a drunk Beth puts the move on him… that would be even worse. (I was taught “1 beer- steer clear.”)

    1. bohemiannightsthecomic

      Hmmm… we’ll have to see what happens. There’s bound to be a few curve balls thrown in the mix.
      As for Mateo’s shirt, luckily it’s a pattern I just drop in my drawing program, much like JoJo’s paisley shirt on the panel just above.

      1. A Reader from Germany

        Throw as many curve balls as you wish, angled balls, hyperbolic balls, N-dimensional balls 🙂 But “pretty please” – let them get together “for good” at some point in time, even if it takes another 807 comics…

  5. A Reader from Germany

    New reader here. I was “sent over” from Shotgun Shuffle, author’s note deep in their archives, IIRC.

    Took the (long) Easter weekend to archive-binge, and for the moment, I just can say: “WHOA!”

    The story reeled me in, but it would be only half as fascinating without your art. I must admit, I do like the “kinky” drawings, too 🙂

    I also love the anecdotes from retail hell.

    Will definitely keep on reading, and also spread the word.
    Hope you’re going to continue this for a long time.
    Thanks for the entertainment!

    1. bohemiannightsthecomic

      Thank you so much. I’m really glad you discovered the comic and enjoy it. yes, Bohemian Nights is not going away any time soon. I got way too many storylines and plots I still want to do. With luck, I’ll be at this for many years to come.

      1. Great to hear that. Especially when Stand Still Stay Silent comic is heading to it’s end 🙁

    2. Ah, hallo Nachbar 🙂

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