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#864 Us

Continuing with the Vegas flashback. Once this is done, I'm going to focus on some of the other characters. Honest. (But I can't help it. Beth and Emrys are so cute together.)

8 thoughts on “#864 Us

  1. Wow, there’s a lot of genuine emotion in this one.
    Love how you’re conveying that.

    1. bohemiannightsthecomic

      Thank you.

  2. Just keep going. I am looking forward to how this night will end πŸ™‚ And if they finaly get laid, with such long foreplay πŸ˜€ (storywise) Also I happens to like your typos and misspelling more and more. Somehow I find it cute and part of your style. Like in first panel “I KNID of knew you liked me, but …” πŸ™‚ There are some of them also in book, but it adds some specialness to it.

  3. bohemiannightsthecomic

    Crap. I really got to get my editor (wife) to look at these more often….

    1. Beth, I think you speak for a lot of us when it comes to feeling worthy of those we care most about. It’s a common problem, particularly for people who are naturally more inclined towards thinking of others before themselves, but even among those who appear to be the most confident and secure it can be a hidden struggle. We can only do the best we can do each day, so the thing to remember is to treat each other with consideration and respect as fellow human beings. Sometimes it’s easier, sometimes it’s much more difficult, but if we train ourselves to be kinder to others, eventually we might be willing to do the same for ourselves, because that kindness will be returned and amplified. Then the trick is to accept it and internalize it, so we actually believe what others can see when we will not.

      Eric, you never fail to impress me with your dialogue, characterizations and overall storytelling. You have some of the most human characters I’ve ever read, complete with flaws and virtues, and that makes them real. If you’re writing what you know, as the old writer’s advice goes, then we’re lucky to have you sharing your wisdom with us. πŸ™‚

  4. Not sure this cut & paste will work, but there’s an older song by Sting that seems appropriate somehow.

    Let Your Soul Be Your Pilot
    by Sting

    Let your soul, be your pilot
    Let your soul guide you
    He’ll guide you well

    When you’re down and they’re counting
    When your secrets, all found out
    When your troubles, take to mounting
    When the map you have, leads you to doubt
    When there’s no information and the compass turns
    To nowhere that you know well

    Just let your soul, be your pilot
    Let your soul guide you
    He’ll guide you well

    When the doctor failed to heal you
    When no medicine chest, can make you well
    When no counsel, leads to comfort
    When there are no more lies, they can tell
    No more useless information and the compass spins
    The compass spins between Heaven and Hell

    Just let your soul, be your pilot
    Let your soul guide you
    He’ll guide you well

    An’ your eyes turn towards the window pane
    Lights upon the hill
    The distance seems so strange to you now
    The dark room seems so still

    Let your pain, be my sorrow
    Let your tears, be my tears too
    Let your courage, be my model
    That the north you’ll find, will be true
    When there’s no information
    And the compass turns to nowhere
    To nowhere, that you know well

    Just let your soul, be your pilot
    Let your soul guide you
    Let your soul, guide you
    Let your soul guide you, upon your way
    Let your soul guide you along the way
    Let your soul guide you along the way
    Let your soul guide you along the way
    Let your soul guide you along the way
    Let your soul guide you along the way
    Let your soul guide you along the way

    When the doctor failed to heal you
    Only so many lies they can tell
    No more useless information
    Just your soul to guide you
    Let your soul guide you
    Let your soul guide you
    Let your soul guide you
    Let your soul guide you

    Let your pain, be my sorrow
    Let your tears, be my tears too
    Let your courage, be my model
    That the north you’ll find
    That the north you’ll find, will be true
    Let your soul

  5. Take your time! This is good stuff (as always).

  6. It seems they’re both laying the groundwork for a solid relationship.

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