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1039 Welcome to the Room

7 thoughts on “1039 Welcome to the Room

  1. Now, Dave must want to get together.

  2. To stay clean, Dave has got to start thinking of drug avoidance as a powerfully positive force in his life. Instead of thinking “I can’t take drugs again.” he must think “I don’t need to take drugs again, and I’m damn proud of that!” Addiction is a powerful force so it must be met by a powerful positive psychology.

    1. Well said, ChrisH!
      Dave, this is going to be a lot of pain and suffering, but just hold onto Skye and your unborn child and you can get through anything, you’re strong enough, trust me. You can conquer any challenge for them, and for yourself. 🙂

      1. (Or not XD )

  3. Step one of getting clean is admitting you have a problem. Dave FINALLY did it, so I hope he can turn his life around.

    Are we writing him out of the series for a while like we did with Mateo? I don’t really see any of the gang checking in on him, since he burnt all his bridges. I’m amazed, actually, that Katie and Emrys even bothered to help at all!

  4. maybe he burned the decks but the girders and piers are still there.

  5. Thanks Thracecius. 🙂 Emrys seems to me a very nice person and while Katie is somewhat a mystery to me, I guess she’s much kinder than I used to believe.

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