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#2025 Shadow of a Doubt

Barely got today's comic done...between work and and being sick. But I got it!

7 thoughts on “#2025 Shadow of a Doubt

  1. Admitting I have a/the problem(s) is the most important step to fix them.

    And shitstorm is coming in 3… 2… 1…

    I wish you soon recovery, Eric!

  2. And Murphy’s Law swings into action! “If anything can go wrong it will go wrong, at the worst possible time.”

  3. I was just thinking “Awww…” when I noticed who just walked in. LOL. Well if it isn’t Ms. Spitfire. It will be a lively episode next week I’m sure.

  4. Going to go out on a limb and hope that Stephanie is being sincere, because she’s saying the right things. 🙂
    Time to find out if Beth can be understanding too. Maybe Stephanie will apologize to her to and they can begin to mend fences. 🙂

  5. And the timing is naturally… always… yep… Just have to mess with everyone huh?

    1. bohemiannightsthecomic

      It would be a pretty boring comic if there wasn’t any conflict. 😉

  6. I’m half expecting Beth to show all she-Hulk against Stephanie, but on the other hand, she saw first hand what Dave did to her so MAYYYYBE she is willing to hear Stephanie out that she was just seeking a professional favor from Emrys and not trying to steal her man? Beth DID patch Stephanie up after the fight and Steph did apologize to her for all the crap she pulled post-breakup. They might not be FRIENDS, but I hope there’s some understanding that Steph has genuinely moved on from her rivalry with Beth and is happy for her and Emrys, but still needs Emrys’s help to make a healthy life of her own.

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