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1035 Dark Side of the Moon

8 thoughts on “1035 Dark Side of the Moon

  1. Oh Dave. Bullet or Rope is way faster and therefore more effective.

  2. If we do anything in this life, we should be kind. For we do not know what burdens other might be carrying.

  3. It’s so easy to only see the junkie Dave turned into and not the troubled person under all that. It was a good call from Emrys to bring there someone who is close to Dave and also detached from all his latest… exploits.

    Oh! And from a purely storytelling perspective, I love how this page echoes the talk that Shannon and Emrys had when they were on the road trip to Emrys’ mother, where they talked about Shannon working through the same kind of underlying issue as Dave describes going through now. “I fucked up, I used Mark, and now that I regret doing it he’s gone and I can’t ever set things straight with him.”

  4. I believe people are responsible for the predictable results of our actions. So I think Mark’s tragic death is not Dave’s fault. He didn’t shoot him and he didn’t even call the cops on him. Dave must be a very sensitive person underneath his posing. Sensitivity can be very good but it can also be a problem if out of control.

  5. “…in a world that has decided,
    That it’s going to lose its mind,
    Be more kind, my friend,
    Try to be more kind…”
    A lovely, gentle song, worth remembering.
    On a separate note, in Panel_2’s last word balloon, there’s no “g” in “either”.

  6. I KNEW Dave secretly blamed himself for Mark’s death, just like Shannon. But Shannon at least had Emrys to finally assure her that his death wasn’t her fault, which gave her the strength to move on with her life. I’m actually kind of shocked that Dave didn’t have that kind of support. You’d think Mateo, Jeff, or even Beth would be up for talking with him if he was just up front about how the guilt was nagging at him. His path to self destruction didn’t start until AFTER the Vegas trip, which was over a month after Mark died… right? Or am I missing something in the timeline.

    1. bohemiannightsthecomic

      You’re close. In fact, I think I’m going to do a special Timeline post in a couple more comics (once this Dave/Skye interaction comes to an end). I think it would be good for everyone (to review and see just what has happened and when.

  7. Dave, that won’t solve anything, and it won’t make things right with Mark. The best way to do that is to clean yourself up and not repeat the same mistake. Don’t let Mark’s death be the lodestone holding you down, let it be the catalyst to change your life for the better. 🙂

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