12 8053

12 8053

857 Morning Advice

Work is kicking my ass. And it's taking a toll on my body and mind. As of this writing, I haven't even started on the next comic and the next two are a special Patreon rewards guest appearance so I want to make them as good as can be. I got tomorrow and the weekend toΒ  work on it, but there's a chance Monday's comic may be late. Oh, and I also got to work on the Patreon Midnight Edition too. Doing my best with what time I have.

12 thoughts on “857 Morning Advice

  1. Interesting work at panel 3 πŸ™‚ And it seems like a room was found πŸ˜€

  2. You now, following the flow and the faces and noticing Banjo doing his business in the lower right as the last thing right after the serious dialogue was rather hilarious.

    1. bohemiannightsthecomic

      Unintentional, but yes, funny.

  3. Take your time, dude. We’ll wait. Besides, I now have this amazing book to pour over! Congrats! It’s so cool!

    1. Wot U sed! Mine arrived a few days ago and I binged through the book. The fridge magnets just iced the cake, as it were.

    2. bohemiannightsthecomic

      Thank you. I’m glad you enjoyed it.

  4. So Shannon isn’t in the know about Emrys and Beth’s new relationship? Huh… I wonder how that could be since I was expecting the two to at least kiss before getting into their separate cars to drive home. And did Beth and Shannon seriously not talk to each other AT ALL during the drive home?

    1. bohemiannightsthecomic

      Yes…. so what else did or didn’t happen that night? hmmmm….
      As for Beth and Shannon not talking, if may be a little unusual but perhaps Beth just sidestepped any questions or, more than likely everyone was pretty zonked out and on auto pilot the whole trip back.

  5. Oh please getting awakened by a small dog Bet is getting off light! have a pittie wake you up like that then i’ll feel sympathy for you!

    1. bohemiannightsthecomic

      Hahaha. True.

  6. uh, i meant to say Beth not Bet

    1. bohemiannightsthecomic

      No worries.
      Have you seen all the mistakes I make in the comic? lol.

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