Okay, here we go again. Kickstarter 2.0!
I've lowered the print run considerably in hopes of reaching my goal of $2000, which seems very doable considering the last one exceed that amount. I've also lowered the shipping cost of domestic shipping a little (found a cheaper way of doing it) and even added a double-shot tier where you can buy two books and send one to a friend. (Thanks Thracecius for the suggestion). So hopefully THIS TIME we'll see it actually happen. If you were one of people backing the last project, I really would love to see you again. If you were on the fence last time around, now is a great opportunity to get the first book (plus some interesting goodies). If you are new to all of this, well... here's the pitch I used two months ago.

16 thoughts on “831 Stepping Out”
I’m in even given the shipping price!
Fantastic! Thank you!
How this gonna end? (Both story and Kickstarter wise)
Hopefully good (for both!)
Good lord, the wallpaper on those hotel walls makes me want to hit something, either that or lose my lunch. Do the hotels in Las Vegas really look like that inside?
I can feel the tension building in this storyline and I have no clue how it’s going to wrap up, but I can imagine one possibility that isn’t exactly pessimistic, though it won’t be pleasant. I suspect that there might be regrets on Beth’s part, soon or eventually, maybe even for Ermys in some fashion, and that he will probably avoid Beth on the trip home and for awhile after. From a personal growth standpoint, it might be the best path for both of them, because we know they enjoy each other’s company already, have a certain degree of respect and trust, and both are looking for a loving relationship. Emrys needs to feel like he can stand on his own two feet again, as well as understand that he needs to communicate better and realize that there is more to romance than money can buy. Beth, well, she really needs to decide which is more important to her, having “a good time”, or actually taking the actions necessary to have a committed relationship with someone she already knows and, most importantly, respects (Tony didn’t deserve her trust or respect). Of course, I don’t really know anything about anything when it comes to relationships, my experience is limited, but I do know from observing others and being a lifelong student of human behavior that, at least in this case, fighting off the fear rejection and being honest with each other is the only way for Emrys and Beth to have a chance.
TL;DR Just talk to each other you two boneheads! You’ll figure it out together eventually, but neither of you are mind readers and subtle, or even overt, hints are not a good substitute.
Oh, and Eric, you can count on me to pitch in again on the Kickstarter.
Great analysis as always. And yes, Vegas has some very gaudy wallpaper and carpet. That’s part of it’s charm
Oh! Eric, not like I haven’t already spammed the comments enough, but do you ever plan to do another Q&A with the characters in the future? It was a fun diversion and I’m sure I can come up with some new questions.
I think that’s a good idea. I’ll see if I can fit one in pretty soon.
also, just as a heads up the image goes to the old Kickstarter – I think the only link to the new one is the “HERE!”
I’d be tempted to link everything to the new one but I’m not a marketing guy.
Fixed! Thanks for spotting that.
I predict Beth and Robert won’t have sex. Instead, he’ll thank her for being nice to him in high school.
I see Beth has gone for the shy look.
Corey C.
I absolutely believe that Beth will have sex with Robert, realize it was a mistake, attempt to ghost him and go back to Portland, only to have Robert follow her there to try to win her back while Stephanie re-enters Emrys’s life. On paper Robert seems like Beth’s dream man (and I REALLY hope he isn’t just playing her like Rich was) and Stephanie has visibly changed since her epiphany, so I want to see if Beth and Emrys, their friendship fractured because of Beth’s lack of impulse control, either go to their respective temptations because they’re familiar or if they’ll take a chance and FINALLY talk to each other about their true feelings and fear of getting hurt.
I think this is a pretty strong possibility. Can you imagine the facepalms Jeff and Shannon would have if it did? I think they’d need medical attention for concussions!