Patreon comic should be up sometime next week. I'll also try to get out the original sketches to those randomly chosen Patreon people out next week as well.
See you all next year.
Your Jedi mind tricks won’t work on him anymore, Shannon. 😉
I could be wrong, and maybe he is too, but I agree with Mark’s assessment. I think it’s a rare case for a person to want to be unattached their entire life, especially as they get older. Maybe she’s one of those few, but she’s in her 20’s and healthy, so I’d say the jury is still out. For her sake, I hope that Mark’s sober counsel will not fall upon deaf ears. Regardless, I am really enjoying seeing Mark’s character develop. He’s the kind of friend Emrys’ needs and Mark deserves to be.
Happy New Year, Eric, and all of my fellow readers! 🙂
Yes, Shannon is young and free spirited. Who knows if she will grow out of it. Most people usually do. Of course there may be some underlying reason for the way she acts. We’ll just have to wait and see…(hint, hint).
Happy New Year to you too!
Yep! I sort of assumed there’s a reason for how she acts this way, but I’m just (mostly) along for the ride, so I figured that would come up eventually. 😉
This is an AMAZING comic. Thank you for sticking with it and sharing it with us here on the ol’ interwebs.
As a thirty something fellow myself, I know those talks with friends, those life realizations, and the hard (though luckily not fatal) lessons we learn as we grow.
Growth can be painful, but its always worth it.
Thank you so much, Nick. I truly enjoy creating this comic and it’s for people like you that make it all worth while. All I ask is to spread the word. Re-post on any social media you want. For everyone, let’s get the word out there.
9 thoughts on “#503 The Pursuit of Happiness”
Your Jedi mind tricks won’t work on him anymore, Shannon. 😉
I could be wrong, and maybe he is too, but I agree with Mark’s assessment. I think it’s a rare case for a person to want to be unattached their entire life, especially as they get older. Maybe she’s one of those few, but she’s in her 20’s and healthy, so I’d say the jury is still out. For her sake, I hope that Mark’s sober counsel will not fall upon deaf ears. Regardless, I am really enjoying seeing Mark’s character develop. He’s the kind of friend Emrys’ needs and Mark deserves to be.
Happy New Year, Eric, and all of my fellow readers! 🙂
Yes, Shannon is young and free spirited. Who knows if she will grow out of it. Most people usually do. Of course there may be some underlying reason for the way she acts. We’ll just have to wait and see…(hint, hint).
Happy New Year to you too!
Yep! I sort of assumed there’s a reason for how she acts this way, but I’m just (mostly) along for the ride, so I figured that would come up eventually. 😉
Jeff Jordon
I’m hearing Sail On by Commodores as the perfect soundtrack to this.
Ah, great choice, Jeff. Yes, I can hear it too.
Nicholas Walls
This is an AMAZING comic. Thank you for sticking with it and sharing it with us here on the ol’ interwebs.
As a thirty something fellow myself, I know those talks with friends, those life realizations, and the hard (though luckily not fatal) lessons we learn as we grow.
Growth can be painful, but its always worth it.
Thank you so much, Nick. I truly enjoy creating this comic and it’s for people like you that make it all worth while. All I ask is to spread the word. Re-post on any social media you want. For everyone, let’s get the word out there.
Great work, man. Hope you’re feeling better.
Thanks Sterling. I am feeling a bit better. Hopefully better still after the surgery.
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