9 9179

9 9179

1030 The Downward Spiral

9 thoughts on “1030 The Downward Spiral

  1. Oh Hell no. This is bad. This seems helpless.

    1. This seems like the breaking point at which anyone close to Dave should either back away and stop dealing with all this, if they haven’t done that yet, or offer help one last time conditioned by Dave’s decision to accept the help and actively try to help himself too, and definitely get ready to report to the police any illegal activities that are harmful to other people. In my opinion the police should have been involved since the party incident.

  2. I give Katie credit for showing up. But nobody can rescue Dave except himself essentially. Like every addict, he must decide to quit the substance that’s destroying his life. It’s the only way.

  3. This is almost as bad as I was expecting. 🙁

  4. I was expecting Dave to be on the floor, half dead from drugs. I was NOT expecting the drug dealer to appear out of nowhere to give him MORE drugs just as Katie was about to intervene. What happens next will determine if Dave can be saved or if his headstone will be next to Mark’s. Does Katie care enough to intervene or will she value her own self preservation over a guy who declared he doesn’t want help? (Honestly, if Katie does leave Dave on his own, I wouldn’t blame her, since we know next to nothing about the dealer or how he’d react if Katie told him to get lost.)

  5. So do we know the dealer?

    1. Nope. And I’d say it’s not important.

  6. Speaking of headstones, I’m reminded of this one:
    “I expected this, but not so soon!”

    1. RPG player’s headstone “Ress plz”

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