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3 5418

#623 Backup Plan

3 thoughts on “#623 Backup Plan

  1. you have to wonder if he is not trying to get her another job by getting her fired from the one she has – – weird though, but perhaps

  2. Never take advice from an adversary, just as a precaution. If he’s trying to set her up for a big fall, there’s a sure chance that this is part of that plan and the “helpful” act is all a show to engratiate himself to the group and make it look like any failures are her own. This is the kind of skullduggery that *really* gets my hackles up, so you can expect I won’t be giving Rich the benefit of a doubt.

    In real life I’m generally decent judge of character, but here I can’t claim it since we’re party to information no one else knows. That being said, this guy is a snake and should be treated accordingly. I look forward to the episode where he gets a sound thrashing and run out of town…assuming that happens, of course. 😉

  3. It wouldn’t hurt for Beth to look around for a new job. But she certainly won’t get help from Rich.

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