Hey there.
No comic this week. Between a crazy work week and other things this week, I wasn't able to complete the comic. I was also finishing up the Patreon comic, so that's up now.
I found a sketch I was going to use before Mateo left for Seattle with the gang visiting Marks grave but it never made it into #1000. So with inks and color and an appropriate 'slight change', I offer it to you today. I'll be back on track next week!
22 thoughts on “Grief”
I wish Eric everything return back to normal soon.
Oh for God’s sake. Grow TF up.
Thank you for conveying my meaning more precisely than any illustration could have. ๐
*sigh* really?
There’s no cure for terminal TDS, sadly.
Funny how the sufferers always accuse everyone else for planning to do what they were already in the process of doing themselves.
He’s an adjudicated rapist and conman. He’s proven he can’t safely handle classified data. He’s openly stated his intent to use the military against “domestic enemies”. He’s appointing a former captain to be Sec Defense, and an Attorney General who resigned to avoid the outcome of an ethics investigation. His remaining appointments openly ignore feedback from experts in their field in favor of their pet theories. This will, among other things, result in a major resurgence in childhood deaths from preventable diseases.
His plans for tariffs will cause across the board inflation significantly above what Biden was blamed for, at the same time his plans for mass deportations, besides causing incredible human suffering, will eliminate a major fraction of the agricultural workforce in the country.
While he has denied supporting project 2025, his Deputy Chief of Staff for Policy is one of the main authors. If carried out, the program will result in the effective elimination of the social safety net in the country, including the elimination of the VA, SNAP, TANF. This is in addition to rolling back the rights of women, including no fault divorce, which is proven to save lives.
His advisor on “Government Efficiency” has pledged to cut more from the budget than exists in discretionary spending, meaning he is planning to cut social security and medicare.
What, exactly, does he plan that you support?
TDS is strong with this one. Do you really believe all those lies you just posted? Or do you just post this disinformation for political propaganda purposes? Your first claim of ‘adjudicated rapist’ puts the lie to the rest of your claims. A biased Judge and jury {Left wing Democrat Manhattan} found President Trump “LIABLE” for battery and defamation for an incident that took place almost thirty years ago. The jury also unanimously found the Trump did not rape Carrol. The battery and defamation stems from President Trump’s comments that ‘mocked’ her in his denial of her claims.
He is a misogynistic, narcissistic, vindictive, divisive, obtuse, pathological liar who has just enough charisma to dupe half America into thinking he is their savior. There’s no amount of cognitive thinking and rational that will change that. This is the direction the majority wants? Fine. You can have him. I never was one for cult leaders… or fascists. .
You don’t deny that the judge stated that he had committed rape by the common definition of the term (Hence adjudicarted, not convicted). You just claim the judge was biased. That’s not contradicting what I said, it’s just deflecting.
When did politics become the only thing people care about when it comes to relating to their fellow humans? I think it was already happening decades before I was born, but I’m an optimist and I keep looking toward the future. I don’t really know why more people don’t feel the same, because unless you plan on shuffling off this mortal life, the only answer is to endure, and in enduring grow stronger. Life isn’t easy, the stories we read here illustrate that quite well without ever mentioning politics, and I hope it continues to do that until Eric is done telling them. ๐
I thought the stone was going to read “Mark” until I finished scrolling down. Reading your note, I guess that’s no surprise!
Sadly those who are taking umbrage at this particular artwork are failing to see the point. This is not about politics. It never was. This is about morality. Human decency. Empathy. Strong work Eric. Thank you sir. It won’t change the darkness of the next 4 years, but we will all get through it somehow.
they probably aren’t bothered by things like the “your body, my choice” crap that’s been accelerating over the past week, or the harm being caused by denying supportive care to trans kids. yes, it’s about human decency.
Where was the “Your Body – My Choice” meme during vaccine mandate of the current administration? Oh, yeah. It was censored and the poster was banned. And why are children who are not mature enough to vote, drive, drink, or many other “adult” activities allowed to make permanent life altering decisions? The majority of Americans voted for free speech and the protection of children, and against a candidate who constantly called her opponent a Nazi that has a Jewish son-in-law. But then there’s the 72 mil Americans who apparently believed that candidate.
the vaccine mandate was an attempt to eliminate a contagion. posters by people scared of the vaccine were foolish but not banned. comparing the vaccine mandate to people threatening rape and denying medical care to complete strangers is even more foolish. puberty blockers have been used safely for over half a century to control precocious puberty in cis kids. using them to control puberty in trans kids until they are old enough to make important decisions is a natural extension, only opposed by people who are scared of something they don’t understand. denying trans kids supportive care isn’t protecting them, it’s threatening them. puberty is life-altering and in some ways permanent, but puberty blockers are fully reversible. as far as free speech is concerned, you’re talking about a candidate who has talked about locking up people who say mean things about him, supported by people who ban books that scare them by being about people who are different. sure, in many ways he is a Nazi in all but name, and having a token Jew in his circles doesn’t change that any more than it did with Hitler.
Thank you, both! ๐
Eric, I fully sympathize. Letโs work together and never give up. Happy Veteranโs Day.
As a Central-East European I can say “Divided States of America” ๐
America is alive and well and will thrive in a booming economy over the next years of President Trumps administration. First evidence of this is the day after he won the election, Wall Street hit a new all time record high.
Yes, the rich will always get richer under him. That’s not really a good thing.
Pension plans got a bump too, maybe the ‘rich’ should jus tall say “I’ve got enoughh money, screwit I’m shutting down my businesses and retiring” then all the TDS sufferers can take credit for those jobs disappearing, and the jobs of all the people who made thngs to sell them, kike groceries and day-to-day necessities…that idiotic aoc alone cost her constituents 25,000 good paying jobs by driving Amazon out and say what you want about the job or the business owner, it pays well. They tried socialism in a lot of countries, the end result is always millions dead and a destroyed economy…hopefully the next four years can fix the results of the last four.
Bohemian Nights
No one is saying that companies should shut down because they are now making too much money. (not that they would do that anyway). All I’m saying is that the richest 5% proportionally do not pay their fair share of taxes and have acquired monopolies that provide them with a disproportionate amount of power. Wealth should not be the deciding factor for how much influence you have over people and policies. Sadly, we are becoming an oligarchy.
As for Democratic Socialist countries, there are currently over 50 countries including the UK, Australia, Canada, Bolivia, Japan, New Zealand, Sweden, Spain and Denmark to name a few. I don’t think their streets are running red with the blood of millions.
1042 Girl from the North Country
22 3075 Mar 10, 2025
1041 Freebird
38 5351 Mar 02, 2025
1040 Goodnight Moon
41 6466 Feb 24, 2025
Bohemian Nights Timeline
41 5758 Feb 17, 2025
1039 Welcome to the Room
35 6188 Feb 10, 2025
1038 On My Way
35 6213 Feb 03, 2025
1037 Where were you?
37 6937 Jan 27, 2025
1036 Ashes
32 7042 Jan 20, 2025
1035 Dark Side of the Moon
33 7746 Jan 13, 2025
1034 In The End
33 8297 Jan 06, 2025