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#644 Moving On

So it looks like today marks two milestones for the comic. Today being the sixth year since the comic started. I’m looking forward to many more years to come! Also, two more people joined up on the comic’s Patreon pushing me over the hundred dollar mark. Now, it may not be enough to quit my job yet, but this is a great achievement and edging closer to the level where Bohemian Nights is put out three times a week. To all those who support me through Patreon I have to say THANK YOU!  I honestly don’t know if I could keep this going without you. Your monthly contributions help with hosting costs, printing costs, advertisements, convention costs, and coffee. Especially coffee. You really do help the comic grow year by year. That’s all I ever wanted. I still have that dream where one day I can finally quit my day job and do this full time, and thus, putting out the comic 3-5 times a week! You are helping me get to that! So I would like to take this opportunity here to thank and post each person who has helped me through Patreon, past and present… Chris Sheppard, Wayne Gilcoine, Kyle Polkinghorne, Laurent.Poulain, Robert Paul, Robert G Groseth, Ian Pattinson, VKoop, Jason Neild, Gregory Downing, Mark Harris, Jeff Cohen, Isaac Stephens, Daniel Clark, Richard Broome, Jeff Kershner, Christopher Rusche, and Brett Mount. And special thanks to Kevin McKinney, Robert Casey Harbaugh, and  Robert Wingrove.


(Your future contributions will now go to Bohemian Night book printings, future conventions (next year), and saving up for a much better drawing stylist as well as the other stuff mentioned.) Okay…back to the show!

4 thoughts on “#644 Moving On

  1. Well, at least they dropped those bad topics where they belong. Sometimes rehashing is useful because you can learn something new from it, but if you’ve learned the lesson from the experience then generally it’s best to just let it go.

    So what do you mean, saving up for a much better drawing stylist? Does that mean if the Patreon picks up significantly you’re going to stop doing the art and just focus on the writing?

    1. bohemiannightsthecomic

      Hah. No.
      I have an old drawing tablet. A Wacom but the thing is nearly twenty years old. I would really like to save up and get a good Cintiq pro drawing tablet and stylist.

      1. Oh! You mean stylus? I thought you were trying to skip town on us once you got popular. Y’know, phone in the work from Tahiti or something. 😉

        “Yeah, Bob? Yeah, just draw the bunch of ’em having a drink somewhere, maybe add a couple of funny faces and some laughing. I’ll give you some words to slap in there Sunday night. Oh, it *is* Sunday night already? Sorry, I forget what day it is sometimes on this cruise ship.”

        😀 😉

  2. And thank you as well Eric! Keep on trucking.

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