11 8299

11 8299

1034 In The End

It looks like a couple of you guessed correctly....

11 thoughts on “1034 In The End

  1. An angel appears!

  2. As was thought (and not by me). Skye is the last person, who can talk some reason to Dave’s druged out brain.

  3. ZOMG!!! I can see how just about anyone could have a bleak view of life like Dave from time to time. But hopefully it’s just a passing dark mood. When I went to driving school, they taught us that drivers tend to steer towards what they’re looking at. I believe that lesson can be applied to psychology. Don’t look at despair for too long.

    1. That is not tendency. That is basic driving technique.

  4. @Gorbi Yes, the instructor warned us about seeing a friend while driving. Then the distracted driver may, without realizing it, aim the car at this friend while waving hello. (!)

    1. My European brain can not comprehend what I just read. May I use this as a proof of jokes about Americans? O.O

  5. I was sure for a second there that Katie was pointing a knife at Dave in panel 2, before I realized it was the tail of Dave’s speech bubble, and I thought, “Wow, they came prepared” 🙂

    1. I know! I thought the same thing once it posted. I really have to re-do that panel. Very bad placement.

  6. @praktik, yeah, I thought it was a hypodermic needle. @@

  7. @Gorbi, yes you have my permission. Please remember I was referring to young inexperienced drivers. I believe 16 is the minimum age in my state. 🙂

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