JUST TWO MORE WEEKS TILL PORTLAND'S ROSE CITY COMIC CON!!I got a table, I got a new banner and I'll have a huge stack of Bohemian Nights introduction edition books just waiting to jump into the hands of wandering patrons. They just got shipped to me and man oh man are they slick! Compiling the first sixty-one comics in a glossy, bold colored book just waiting to give you an ocular orgasm. In addition I'll be selling the widely popular Drinker's Hell game. A must for those going back to college!!Still not convinced? I'll also have an assortment of extra goodies including Bohemian Nights mugs and hip flasks, 2014 cast prints, and free promo postcards, magnets, and for the first time, original signed sketches for the low low cost of $10 a page! So come on down! September 20th and 21st at the Portland convention center! I'd love to meet you. And if you say you're a fan of Bohemian Nights, I'll draw you a quick sketch of your favorite character...for FREE!I guarantee it will be the most fun you'll have with your pants on.Save
One thought on “#162 Dressing Down”
Jeff just got spanked!