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Thus starts the Greenman spin-off.
You can follow that spellbinding storyline with monthly installments as a subscriber to Patreon or wait until the comic is completed and buy it afterwards. The twenty page comic is already written and I'm looking forward to diving into the pages.
The other half of the storyline, the side dealing with the everyday emotions of friends and family coping with a sudden loss can, of course, be seen here. There's still plenty of fall out and changes to be had with our cast.
As for the work load, well, let's just say I'm glad my day job is slow cos I got tons of stuff I'm trying to do in a short time. The next installment of the Greenman will be up this week as well as a new Bohemian Nights After Dark episode. I'm also collaborating with my friend Andy to put the final touches on the Deflectors #3 so it can go to the printers this week and be available early September, just in time for Rose City Comic Con. Oh, and to top it all off, it seems my stolen car was found and I got to go deal with that mess this week too.
It's a good thing I really enjoy writing and drawing. Otherwise I'd be having a mini breakdown.
(Not really. -But I could use some extra sleep one day.)
Finally. Thanks for all the supportive feedback on the recent storyline. I really appreciate it. It make me feel good to know my readers are sticking with me on this. I think, by the end of it, you won't be disappointed.
Thank you~!
8 thoughts on “#561 Witness”
Mostly I throw a few bucks in on Patreon because I like the comic and I want there to be more of it, but right now I’m legit excited to see the Green Man spinoff.
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Thanks for the plug, Brett. Always appreciate it. 😉
Hope you enjoy the spinoff as well. I really like script and the artwork is coming along nicely.
love your comic, I follow several and this one is one of the better ones, I wish I could afford Patreon but retired on a fixed income money can always be an issue
G, I’ll straight up buy you a copy when it’s out, if you remind me. I’m sure we can persuade Eric to do a little more work around shipping addresses or whatever.
Yes I’m sure we can work something out. We still have time anyway since the comic most likely won’t be finished till next year.
Ruh roh, looks like the Green Man is not happy, which is a rather telling expression considering how mellow he is normally.
I’m glad you have a busy schedule, at least from the standpoint that you are enjoying the work. Hopefully you can catch a few naps soon though!
Yeah, we have yet to see the Greenman when he’s angry. You’re in for a surprise with that.
The Green Man knows…
What a fascinating character!
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