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So I'm designing the back cover to the book and I was thinking of maybe adding some short quotes about the comic from the readers themselves. If any of you out there would like to write a sentence or two, something short, saying what you think of the comic or how you might have enjoyed it over the years, or anything else about Bohemian Nights, I'll most likely add it to the back cover! Only if you feel like it. I know it's kind of a last minute idea, and I'm a little embarrassed to even ask, but if you feel like it, that would be great. (and you can see your words in print). You can add them into the comments or email me.
Either way, thank you for reading and enjoying the comic.
17 thoughts on “838 Top of the World”
Lonely Robert
How about?
“Brought back painful memories I didn’t remember.”
“IF you want to go thru your 20´s again, this is your comic.” Jakub “Gorbi1985” Jonáš
Fantastic comic, never ceases to surprise and amaze me
Fancyshmancy! Now that’s living in style! 🙂
My quote on BN “Bohemian Nights is consistently funny because it closely resembles reality, while never taking anything too seriously.”
Where’s the stripper pole? Not that he has expectations.
Really not sure how I want to feel about this. I mean, I don’t want things to go badly for both but I keep thinking of how poor Emerys (sp?) Was lit on and then just head that surprise hit him with the force of a wrecking ball. On the other hand, but did say she didn’t feel that way at the New Year’s party. Also there was that discussion with Sharon by the pool about how Beth seems to only want something when she feels she can’t have it. Then there’s the fact that Bethany has not had any horizontal refreshment and sometime. And it has been a long time since she has been happy.
Yes, Beth is a little all over the place, but you hit the right beats about Beth. She is complex.
Kind of predicting that it will work out very well between Beth and this guy. As in I won’t be just a one-night stand. The trip back to Portland will be kind of awkward with Emrys avoiding Beth and her being clueless as to how she has hurt him. I would think Sharon and Jeff would try to keep the others out of it as well as wood Emrys. Then maybe when they all get back Stephanie sees Emrys, has been seeing a therapist and is a better person now, and she wants another chance. And maybe Beth and her jealousy will surface again.
“laugh like a hyena when it’s funny, cry like a baby when it’s sad”
Allen Atwood
“The Characters are real! The stories are achingly truthful. I can’t recommend this comic enough.”
Why am I not surprised? I’m afraid this guy is the real deal and that he really meant what he said when he met Beth again, either that or he’s the ultimate sleezebag taking advantage of his employment with the hotel to try and wow Beth for a one night stand. It might sound heartless, but I think I’m okay with either scenario despite my thinking Beth & Emrys would make a great couple. Sometimes life just doesn’t work out the way we plan it.
One or two sentences, Eric? How long do I have to submit a quote? Trying to condense my thoughts & feelings into a so limited a space will take some serious consideration.
I’m finishing the back cover by this Sunday. Got a major printing deadline looming fast for me. 🙂
Got it. Thanks for letting me know, I’ll try to give you something in the next couple of days then. 🙂
Here’s hoping she doesn’t get confronted by her evil ex……
Flashback to all my bad choices! Wonderfully shameful trip down memory lane.
Corey C.
With all the effort Robert is putting in to impress Beth, he seems almost too perfect. I’d be covering my drink if I were her…
There IS a possibility that Robert is a genuinely nice guy and not a “Nice Guy.” If they DO wind up in bed together (at this point there’s an 80% chance) I’d be expecting Robert to follow Beth back to Portland, hopelessly enamored with her. It might lead to some big problems, especially if Stephanie re-enters Emry’s life a changed woman that wants to not only get Emrys back but wants to be a part of the gang. (At this point Stephanie REALLY needs genuine friends,)
1041 Freebird
36 4164 Mar 02, 2025
1040 Goodnight Moon
41 6083 Feb 24, 2025
Bohemian Nights Timeline
41 5383 Feb 17, 2025
1039 Welcome to the Room
33 5825 Feb 10, 2025
1038 On My Way
35 5907 Feb 03, 2025
1037 Where were you?
36 6593 Jan 27, 2025
1036 Ashes
32 6715 Jan 20, 2025
1035 Dark Side of the Moon
33 7463 Jan 13, 2025
1034 In The End
33 7987 Jan 06, 2025
1033 Hurt
32 7835 Dec 30, 2024