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941 I’m gonna… add it up

Hey! The good news is the Kickstarter for the second book is just over half way there with three weeks still to go!

So if you were thinking of helping out and getting the project over the finish line, now would be a great time! Check it out with the link above!

And for all of you that have contributed so far...THANK YOU! 

Let's get this going once and for all!


6 thoughts on “941 I’m gonna… add it up

  1. What about some bar chill out with friends. What can go wrong?

  2. Ohh boy. This is turning into a dramafest in a real hurry. We all saw this coming, of course, but watching it play out I’m actually surprised how tame it seems. I’m just waiting for the other shoe to drop, namely that Beth’s sister wants to kick Dave to the curb and how that’s going to effect him. Actually, it makes me curious how Beth will take it too, even though she’s saying Dave is too old for her sister now, she might be unhappy with how it’s handled.

  3. Well, better to get all the dirty laundry out now than keep it brewing for another few months IRL. Dave is an ass, and I really haven’t liked him since Shannon cheated on Mark with him, but I have a feeling Dave’s assuming too much about Katie and the status of their relationship. Beth confronting her sister and telling her to stay away from Dave would only guarantee she’ll run into his arms, but right now Katie is considering dumping him on her own, so this problem might resolve itself.

  4. Ten points to Jeff for his Accura™-cy with a hammer!

  5. Dave’s sounding too cocky here. He shouldn’t count his chicks until they’ve hatched! (Err, I mean chickens!) 😉

  6. HA HA! Good closing line by Jeff. BTW, I believe the answer to Beth’s question to Dave is two (Shannon and Devon).

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