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1027 The Short Path

16 thoughts on “1027 The Short Path

  1. Exactly me. Also I like that subtle detail of using different font for Czech version. Not only as for foreign language, but also as copy/paste πŸ™‚ And it amuses me positively, that I look a bit like Jeff at last panel πŸ™‚

    That work of light and shadow at first panel is great.

  2. @Gorbi, very pithy saying indeed! πŸ™‚ I like the use of the word β€œwench.” Be careful with that word all, it’s very PI (politically incorrect.) πŸ™‚

    1. Well, such is life in Central-East Europe πŸ™‚

  3. I agree Emrys, too much drama. πŸ™‚ Hopefully that will lessen as time goes by and Beth will mellow a bit.

  4. Loving this comic

    1. Thank you very much πŸ™‚

  5. The way Beth is acting has not a single thing to do with the way she treated Emrys. She’s insecure, jealous, unstable and she’s going to make Emrys pay for it. I expect further 3rd degree and a few weeks of shits and making sure Emrys knows she’s pissed. That way she is training him to not talk to the ex ever again. Or any other woman.

    1. That doesn’t strike me as a thing Beth would do intentionally. We’ll see though. πŸ™‚

      1. I agree. Beth has cause to be weary of Stephanie, and she hasn’t shown that insecurity with anyone else but her. At the end of the day, couples sometimes argue, but it’s in no way at the same level as when Emrys was with Stephanie.

        1. Of course, there hasn’t been anyone else for her to react to. Aside from the circle of friends, there isn’t another woman character in a position to be in competition with Beth. We’ll see as the story unfolds. It’s good work, my dude!

    2. “Or any other woman.”

      Not even with Mrs MkKrakkin?

  6. Just a ? Are there any disabled characters in story?

    1. Must be enough I am mentaly disabled.

    2. Unfortunately, not at the moment. That may change down the road, but I already have almost too many characters to contend with. Which is why Mateo and Mia went on hiatus.

      1. True. Got to be sure the story doesn’t escape your gasp. I’ve seen that happen with other authors.

  7. Weird. After the fight with Dave, Beth seemed really sympathetic towards Stephanie, especially after Steph apologized for all the crap she pulled. I am HOPING that Steph has learned her lesson and just wants professional help from Emrys. It seems like she learned her lesson, but I’m worried Beth still treating her like a monster will cause Steph to once again become the vengeance-obsessed monster she was before Mateo’s party.

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