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1029 Skatin’ By

7 thoughts on “1029 Skatin’ By

  1. Oh very nice. Dave dived into heavy addiction head first with start up. Not sure, if there is any possible help for Dave.

  2. Is Katie feeling guilty that she ditched Dave? She dodged a bullet. There’s no reason for her to go see him, especially if she knew what happened during the farewell party. (Not that she’s talking to Beth right now…) If Dave threw himself into his addictions, he can’t be saved.

    Of course, Kate might find him near-dead at this point…

  3. I hope Katie checks in on Dave. I want to see how heโ€™s doing.

    1. In a way, I do and I don’t. Addiction isn’t pretty.

      1. he won’t be a completely lost cause until everybody stops caring.

  4. I agree with Grace, though I don’t believe it is totally impossible for a person to recover on their own, but it takes a sense of self preservation so strong that it can override the depression, which is not something I have noticed in Dave. I am actually a little surprised that Katie wants to check on him, and I think it shows a previously unseen strength of character that she’s willing to put in the effort. I don’t expect her to be received well, nor do I expect her to bend over backwards to help, but there’s always hope that she can be a catalyst for Dave’s redemption. ๐Ÿ™‚

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