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1020 This is me Trying

3 thoughts on “1020 This is me Trying

  1. Oh Annabel, you are breaking my heart here! 🙁

  2. That’s not a good start, Devon.

  3. While I appreciate the personal growth that Devon had to go through just to make it this far, that’s courageous on it’s own, I do think she should express her feelings more explicitly if she wants a chance of healing the rift. This is one time where stream of consciousness ‘babbling’ can actually work to your benefit. 🙂 Annabel needs reassurance that Devon has learned from this experience and the best way to show it is to explain just how the whole thing has impacted her life and why she’s determined to make amends, even if it means their partnership is over and their friendship is unrecoverable. I don’t know that Annabel would be that cold, but Devon has to really put in the effort here, and that’s going to hurt. Catharsis is worth it though.

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